纯收益,net income
1)net income纯收益
1.Positive analysis of effect of contract farming on net income from wheat production订单生产模式对小麦种植纯收益影响的实证分析
2.A study on how to evaluate the net income of Marine海域纯收益评估方法研究
3.Income approach is an important method to estimate the cost of real estate, it depends on two major parameters: net income and capitalization rate for correct application.收益还原法是评估房地产价格的重要方法,其正确应用取决于两个重要参数(纯收益和还原 利率)。

1.Study of the Implication and Calculation of a Real Estate’s Net Earning;房地产纯收益的内涵及预测界定探讨
3.Integrated cultivation should be practised to increase the yield and profit per hectare.应用综合性栽培措施,增加产量,提高单位面积的纯收益
4.Analysis of Characteristics and Profit Portion of Agricultural Mechanization in the Northeast of China;东北农业机械化特点及其对种植业纯收益的贡献率
5.Positive analysis of effect of contract farming on net income from wheat production订单生产模式对小麦种植纯收益影响的实证分析
6.Royalties: Payments made to an author for every book sold, usually calculated as a percentage of the published price for home sales,and as a percentage of met receipts for overseas sale sales.版税:卖出每一本书所付予作者的款项。通常,本销用发行的百分率计,外销用纯收益的百分率计。
7.A profit or gain beyond what is expected or due.意外的盈利;纯利,收益超出预期的或应有部分的收益或获取
8.If one only invests for yield, the dividend yield will have to be higher than deposit interest rates in order to be attractive.如果纯为了收益投资股票,那么,所得的股息率必须高于存款利息。
9.Clinical Observation on Effects of Yiqi Shugan Decoction in Treating Aged Patients with Isolated Systolic Hypertension;益气舒肝汤治疗老年单纯收缩期高血压的临床研究
10.Pure Jump Levy Processes for Stock Return Distribution;基于纯粹跳跃利维过程的中外股票收益分布特征研究
11.percent of net income to stockholders纯益与股东权益百分比
12.relative and absolute returns相对收益和绝对收益
13.Rate of return(or return)on capital资本收益率(或资本收益)
14.YTM [yield to maturity]全期收益,到期收益[
15.statement of current earnings and retained earnings本期收益及留存收益表
16.incremental Benefits新增收益,增量收益
17.Datio in adoptionem他权人收养,纯正收养
18.There is a single overriding reason to buy life insurance: to provide an income for your dependents should you die.购买人生保险的一个单纯而重要的理由是:万一你去世,它将为你的家眷提供一笔收益。

pure income纯收益
1.The income price is mainly decided by pure income and rate of interest.林地收益价格主要由纯收益和还原利率决定。
3)net profit theory纯收益税
4)agricultural net-income农地纯收益
5)net income from tax reduction劳动纯收益
1.A study was conducted on the comparative advantage of the four main cereal crops in Hena Province from the production cost,net income from tax reduction,net income rate of cost and net income fom labor and market advantage.从生产成本、减税纯收益、成本纯收益率、劳动纯收益和市场优势等方面,对河南的4种主要粮食作物的比较优势进行了研究分析 结果表明,大豆在4种主要粮食作物中具有一定的比较优势,据此,笔者提出河南应坚持发挥比较优势的原则,加大对大豆的投入力度,优化大豆品种结构,积极推进大豆产业化等发展建
6)the net income dominance纯收益最优
1.It is our focus that the management system can reach the net income dominance or not. 供应链管理能否达到供应链成员企业总体纯收益最优是我们关注的焦点;在供应链中达成某项具体协议的条件下,文章给出了供应链成员企业行为模式,从宏观、微观的角度分别描述了供应链成员的博弈过程,讨论了实现供应链总收益最大化的办法。

纯收益纯收益 纯收益以收益还原法求取房地产的收益价格时,所用的收益必须为纯收益,即由总收益扣除总费用而得出的收益。纯收益可分为折旧前的纯收益与折旧后的纯收益。前者是在计算总费用时未将折旧费列入,故以还原利率将收益还原为价格时,必须包含折旧率;后者即在费用中计算折旧费,故可以还原利率直接还原。例如,以A,表示折旧前的纯收益,A:表示折旧后的纯收益,r表示还原利率,d表示折旧率,尸表示收益价格,则求取尸的计算公式可分成以下两种:尸一鲁,或尸-又如自用建筑物及其基地,因无实际租金,故想求取其收益价格时,其纯收益应间接求取。以类似地区或近邻地区中的相似房地产纯收益对各该地区因素及个别因素进行比较,并进行适当的修正,即可求取对象房地产的纯收益。间接求取纯收益的另一种情形,是就收益房地产直接求取纯收益时,为检验总收益及总费用的把握是否正确,就类似房地产间接求取纯收益,用以比较检验。换句话说,纯收益非标准者不可,为求取标准纯收益,应当经常与类似房地产的纯收益作比较检验。因此,对象房地产虽然能直接求取纯收益,但也应当以间接方法求取其纯收益。