旅游度假区,Tourist Resort
1)Tourist Resort旅游度假区
1.The Investigation on Optimization Space Layout Method of Tourist Resort Eco-Green Space System;旅游度假区生态绿地系统最优化布局的探索
2.Several aspects on the basic information about the local residents and their attitudes on tourism influence in Dazonghu tourist resort are studied by adopting questionnaire method.本文以大纵湖旅游度假区为例,采用了问卷调查方法,通过对被调查居民的基本情况、问卷信度、居民对旅游影响态度、居民满意度以及聚类的分析,得出当地居民对度假区的发展总体上持积极欢迎的态度,并于此基础上将当地区居民分为热情的支持者、理性的支持者和淡漠的支持者3种类型。
3.The author analyzes the basic situation of gold coastal tourist resort,introduces the environment renovation range of this tourist resort,according to the analysis on the problem of Yijing road and beach bathing,provides concrete renovation scheme,so as to create the gold coastal tourist resort as country type coastal tourist and casual resort in western of Qinhuangdao.分析了黄金海岸旅游度假区的基本情况,介绍了该旅游度假区环境整治的范围,通过对一经路和沙滩浴场问题的分析,提出了具体的整治方案,以力争把黄金海岸旅游度假区打造成为秦皇岛西部的郊野型滨海旅游休闲度假胜地。

2.Lake Tourism Resort Planning--With Chun'an Qiandaohu Tourism Resort of Zhejiang Province as the Example湖泊型旅游度假区规划——以“浙江省淳安千岛湖旅游度假区”为例
3.Rebuilt the tourism production of Mei Zhou island national tourism holiday village;重塑湄洲岛国家旅游度假区的旅游产品
4.Beiling Tourist & Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment.北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。
5.The Study on Planning and Design of Landscape in Lakefront Traveling Vacation;滨湖旅游度假区景观规划设计的研究
6.The Development Strategy Study of Ningbo Dongqian Lake Tourist & Holiday Resort;宁波东钱湖旅游度假区发展策略研究
7.Hengxin tourism resory--Program and implementation;《案例》:恒鑫旅游度假区——规划与实施
8.Comparative Analysis on Research about Domestic and International Tourism Resorts;有关旅游度假区中外研究的对比分析
9.Linear Space Design of Recreation Ground in Resort;旅游度假区中的线形游憩空间设计研究
10.Planning of Resort for Ecological Tourism in Mountainous Areas:A Case of Ecological Tourism Resort in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town山地生态旅游度假区规划——以深圳东部华侨城生态旅游区为例
11.The RMP Analysis of Holiday Tourism Exploitation in Western China -A Case Study in QuJiang Xi an Resort;我国西部地区开发旅游度假区的RMP分析——以西安曲江旅游度假区为例
12.Past Nowadays Future: Researching on the Development of Recreation Sports Tourism in Suzhou Taihu National Tourism Vacation Zone;过去·现在·未来:苏州太湖国家旅游度假区休闲体育旅游开发研究
13.The Study and Analyses of Tourism Ecological Footprint of Yabuli International Ski Resort;亚布力滑雪旅游度假区旅游生态足迹分析与研究
14.Thinking of Ecotourism Development Under an Over-extending Comprehension:a Case Study of Nanjing Pearl Spring Tourist & Holiday Resort;泛化理解下的生态旅游发展思考——以南京珍珠泉旅游度假区为例
15.An Analysis of Developmental Views of Tourist Resort Areas:An Reflection on the Problems of the Current Tourism Planning;旅游度假区开发观论析——对当前旅游规划中若干问题的思考
16.The theme image planning of tourism areas--Taking the Zhejiang Kuaiji Mountain tourist resort as an example旅游地主题形象策划——以浙江会稽山旅游度假区为例
17.Analyzed on Conservation and Restoration of Wetlands of Tourism City--A Case of Taihu Lake National Tourism District in Suzhou旅游城市湿地生态建设探讨——以苏州太湖国家旅游度假区为例
18.Research on the Tourism Competitivenessand Its Improvement Strategy of Yabuli Skiing Resorts亚布力滑雪旅游度假区旅游竞争力及其提升策略研究

Tourism resort旅游度假区
1.This text,through putting in order,analysing and summing up to articles of domestic and international on tourism resorts,has pointed out their different research focus and characteristic and,carried on a comparative analysis finally.我国尚处于旅游发展的初级阶段,旅游产品亟待转型与升级,以旅游度假区为主要载体的度假旅游在我国的发展却并不令人满意。
2.The tourism environmental protection is the most important question which the tourism resort must face and solve under the vigorous development of tourism.旅游环境保护是旅游业蓬勃发展势态下旅游度假区所必须面临和解决的首要问题。
3.The lake tourism resort is one important kind of resorts in China and is in a large proportion.湖泊型旅游度假区是中国度假区中一种重要的类型,占有较大的比重。
1.Land Use Planning of Resort;旅游度假区土地利用规划
2.A Research on Development Rules of Tourism Resort;旅游度假区发展演化规律的初步探讨
3.Linear Space Design of Recreation Ground in Resort;旅游度假区中的线形游憩空间设计研究
4)Tourist Holiday Resort旅游度假区
1.The Development Trend of the Tourist Holiday Resort;旅游度假区的发展趋势与规划特点
2.There are over 130 national and provincial tourist holiday resorts in China, one third of which are of lake style .我国 130多个省级以上的旅游度假区 ,其中 1 3为湖泊型的。
5)tourist resorts旅游度假区
1.This article is based on the status of tourist resorts development in China,analyzises the features of market of tourist resorts.以我国旅游度假区目前开发情况为基础,分析我国旅游度假区客源市场的特点,可以得出,旅游度假区对旅游市场的开发建设具有引领作用。
2.The article reveals the operational problems of China’s resorts, and analyzes two foreign management patterns — timesharing holidays and member clubs, in order to enlighten the management of China’s tourist resorts.旅游度假区是度假旅游活动的场所,其经营管理水平影响着旅游者的旅游体验。
6)Planning of holiday resort旅游度假区规划
