障碍层,barrier layer
1)barrier layer障碍层
1.Seasonal distribution and variation of barrier layer and its influence upon the vertical heat diffusion in the southern South China Sea;南海南部海区障碍层季节变化及其对垂向热传输的影响
2.Seasonal variation of the water mass and the barrier layer along the PN section in the East China Sea and their possible relationship东海PN断面障碍层和水团的季节变化特征及其可能联系
3.Robust evidencoes of the existence of the barrier layer(BL) in the central South China Sea(10°~19°N,108°~122° E) are provided,which occurs most frequently in summer(52.南海中部海域(10°~19°N,108°~122°E)存在显著的季节变化的障碍层

1.Diurnal evolution of the barrier layer and its local feedback in the central Taiwan Strait台湾海峡中部障碍层日变化及其局地反馈
3.The Production Study of Subcortical Aphasia;皮层下失语患者的口语表达障碍研究
4.The Analysis of Obstacles to Sino-Japanese Reconciliation in Three Levels--France and Germany Model;法德模式:中日和解障碍的三层次分析
5.On the Obstacles to the Implication of Language in Intercultural Communication;论跨文化沟通中的深层语言障碍问题
6.Management buy-put: concept, operation, obstacles and risk prevention;管理层收购:概念、操作、障碍及风险防范
7.Countermeasures of the Sustainable Development of Tall Buildings in China;我国高层建筑持续发展的障碍和对策
8.Sampling Survey of Anxiety and Depression of Grass-root Soldiers基层官兵焦虑、抑郁障碍的抽样调查
9.insufficiency of accommodation调节障碍 调节障碍
10.cross the barrier of...越过…的障碍,突破…的障碍
11.Measurement of the Prefrontal Cortex in Dyslexic Children by NIRS;阅读障碍儿童前额皮层的近红外光谱测量
12.The Analysis on System of Obstacle and Countermeasure to High Level Scholar in the University;高等学校高层次人才发展制度障碍及对策分析
13.The Obstacles Confronted by MBO in China and Their Countermeasures;我国管理层收购面临的障碍及对策建议
14.On the feasibility of developing woman 3000-meter steeplechase at the basic level in China;女子3000m障碍跑在我国基层开展的可行性研究
15.The Obstacles to the Protection of Geographical Indications Encountered in the World Level;完善地理标志保护在国际层面上的障碍
16.Analysis on the Coordination Obstacles in Credit Rating Administration in Basic-level Central Banks;对基层人行征信管理工作中协调障碍的思考
17.Underlying Problems with Intercultural Communication for Non-English Majors;非英语专业大学生跨文化交际的深层障碍
18.An Analysis on the Deep-seated Obstruction and its Countermeasure in China s Travel Agency System;我国旅行社代理制的深层障碍及对策分析

deep obstacle深层障碍
1.This paper first briefly analyzes the scientific meanings of urbanization, and then, the deep obstacle and path choice of the urbanization development in China with concern of China s realities.文章首先简略地分析了城市化的科学内涵 ,再联系中国的实际情况 ,分析了我国城市化进程的深层障碍和道路选择问题 ,认为我国现阶段城市化道路只能是以集聚农村人口为目标 ,以农业产业化为依托 ,重点发展小城镇。
3)deep obstacles深层障碍物
1.4 that plenty of deep obstacles need to be cut and eliminated.大量复杂的深层障碍物切割清理是上海市轨道交通四号线修复工程中的诸多难题之一,在综合比较同类设备性能的基础上,选用全回转钻机作为清障设备,结合该工程,对全回转钻机进行深层障碍物切割清理施工的设备情况、工作的基本原理以及在四号线修复工程中对隧道实施保护性切割的措施,对临江花苑大厦角点的切割措施等加以介绍。
4)diffusion barrier coating扩散障碍涂层
5)dense diffusion barrier致密扩散障碍层
1.The LaBMnO3(B = Ca,Sr,Ba) dense diffusion barrier mixed-conducting ceramics with conductivity in the order of 10–1 S/cm were prepared by the high temperature solid state reaction method,and yttria stabilized zirconia(YSZ) solid electrolyte ceramics with high temperature conductivity in the order of 10–2 S/cm were prepared by the chemical coprecipitation method.对该传感器进行氧敏性能测试,结果表明:以LaBMnO3为致密扩散障碍层、YSZ为固体电解质的极限电流型氧传感器,在体积分数为0~21%氧含量范围内,均能获得较好的极限电流平台,电流最大值达到12mA;出现极限电流平台的电压区间为0。
6)quantum barrier量子阱障碍层

工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)engineering-chemical obstacle  习U·上日、11匕I一9 nuQXue Zhang’aiwu工程化学障碍物(engineelsng一ehemiealobstacle)见化学障碍物。