野外实践教学,field practice teaching
1)field practice teaching野外实践教学
1.Medicinal botany is a compulsory practice course for pharmacy major,and the field practice teaching is an important part of course teaching.药用植物学作为一门药学专业必修的实践性课程,野外实践教学是一个重要环节。
2.Zhou Koudian field practice teaching is an important step in marine geology teaching of China University of Geosciences.周口店野外实践教学是我校海洋地质专业本科教育中的重要环节。

1.On the Study of the Teaching Scheme for outdoors Practice for Students Majoring in Geology;地学类专业野外实践教学方案的研究
2.Study on Field Practice Teaching Mode for General Ecology“普通生态学”野外实践教学模式初探
3.Reforms for field-practice teaching of regional geography in the new period;新时期区域地理野外实践教学的改革
4.Study on Field Practice Teaching Base Construction of Tour Geography;旅游地理野外实践教学基地建设探索
5.Enhancing the Construction of the Fieldwork Base and Improving Teaching Quality of the Field Practice Teaching;加强实习基地建设 提高野外实践教学质量
6.On the Reform of the Geographical Teaching of Field Practice for the Higher Normal Education in the 21st Century;21世纪高师地理野外实践教学改革探讨
7.How to Incarnate the Characteristic of Marine Geology in Zhoukoudian Field Practice Teaching周口店野外实践教学中如何体现海洋地质特色
8.Training of Basics,Interests and Abilities--Experience of Field Practical Teaching for First-year Students,Department of Geology,Northwest University抓基础 促兴趣 重能力——西北大学地质学系一年级野外实践教学体会
9.A Discussion on the Field Practice Teaching Pattern of Physical Geography and Its Adoption;高等院校地理科学专业自然地理野外实践教学模式探讨
10.On the teaching reforming of the Geographical Field Practice and the Cultivation of the Students Capability in the Normal University;高师地理野外实践教学改革与学生能力培养的研究
11.Exploration and practice on the teaching reformation of the field practice of botany植物学野外实习教学改革实践与探讨
12.Teaching Reform and Practice of Fieldwork in Teaching Botany植物学野外实习教学改革实践与探索
13.Teaching System and Content of Geological Field Practice in Zhou Koudian;周口店野外地质实践教学体系与内容
14.The Research and Practice on the Teaching Modes of Outdoor Practice for Zoology;动物学野外实习教学模式的探索与实践
15.Construction of Applied Geophysics Field Teaching and Practice base;应用地球物理野外教学实习基地建设及实践
16.Field Teaching Theory and Practice of Environmental Geology Education at Three Gorges Base;三峡实习基地环境地质野外教学探索与实践
17.Discussion About Teaching Method of Geological Field Practice in Zhoukoudian Area;周口店野外地质实习中的教学方法探讨与实践
18.Study of teaching practice on outdoor survival physical power experiencing lesson for college students;大学生野外生存体能体验课教学实践研究

field practical teaching野外实践性教学
3)field station野外实践教学基地
1.Zhoukoudian field station is well known as"the cradle" of Chinese geological engineer and geologist.周口店野外实践教学基地被誉为培养地质工程师和地球科学家的"摇篮"。
4)field practice野外实践
1.The paper is aimed at the discussion on the innovation of the field practice teaching of physical geography.文章着力于自然地理野外实践教学的改革探讨。
2.Not only does it need classroom practice,but also some field practice.本文通过野外实习基地、野外实践网络可视化教学软件和互动式教学方法的建设,提出了勘查地球化学野外实践与室内互动式教学方式,试图改进野外实践课程的教学方法,促使野外实习达到最佳教学效果,促进野外实践与室内理论教学的联系,达到互动式教学的目的。
5)foreign Language Teaching Practice外语教学实践
6)practice teaching outside school校外实践教学
1.The development of practice teaching outside school must dig up dynamic social resources, such as: carrying through market investigation and research, organizing practice training, taking part-time work at leisure time.过分依赖相对固定的校外实训基地,期望企业直接、全面参与学校人才培养过程是不现实的,开展校外实践教学还必须充分挖掘动态的社会资源,如开展市场调研、组织实战训练和课余兼职等。
