蒸汽喷射器,Steam ejector
1)Steam ejector蒸汽喷射器
1.Realized the two dimensional flow field of steam ejector by the method of CFD numerical simulation,and discussed the maneuvering condition of ejector.用CFD数值模拟的方法实现了蒸汽喷射器二维流场的分布和变工况特性。
2.Steam ejector is one fluid machine that pumps low-pressure fluids with high-pressure steam.蒸汽喷射器是一种利用高压蒸汽抽吸低压流体的流体机械。
3.As a fluid equipment, steam ejector can improve pressure of fluid without mechanical energy and its structure is simple and reliable.蒸汽喷射器是提高流体压力而不直接消耗机械能的设备,其结构简单可靠、运转费用低廉。

1.Characteristic Research on the Low Pressure Steam Injector Heat-Exchange Device;低压蒸汽喷射器换热装置的特性研究
2.Design of Steam Ejector and Development of CAD System;蒸汽喷射器的设计及CAD软件系统的开发
3.Numerical Simulation and Optimization Study of Small-sized Steam Ejector;微小型蒸汽喷射器的数值模拟和优化研究
4.CFD Analysis on Performance of Steam Ejector and Its Application in Saving Energy Technology;蒸汽喷射器特性的CFD分析与节能应用研究
5.The CFD Numerical Simulation and State Analysis of Steam Jet蒸汽喷射器的CFD数值模拟及过程状态分析
6.steam-jet air ejector蒸汽喷射式空气抽逐器
7.The Experimental Study of Steam Ejector under Varied Work Situation in Heat Pump Evaporation;变工况蒸汽喷射式热泵蒸发喷射器的实验研究
8.evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine蒸发式蒸汽喷射制冷机
9.steam flow closure蒸汽喷射排气封罐机
10.solar steam jet refrigerating machine太阳能蒸汽喷射制冷机
11.contact type steam jet refrigerating machine混合式蒸汽喷射制冷机
12.automatic steam injection system自动蒸汽喷射系统蒸汽源连接
13.steam-assisted pressure jet burner蒸汽机械喷油燃烧器
14.steam atomizing oil burner蒸汽雾化型油喷燃器;蒸汽雾化油燃烧器(烧嘴)
15.The experimental research on the heat accumulat or with steam injector has been first made.运用实验方法首次对蒸汽喷射泵式蓄热器进行了实验研究。
16.A device using a jet of water, air, or steam to withdraw a fluid or gas from a space.喷射器利用水、空气或蒸汽的喷射流的装置,用于将液体或气体从一个空间排挤出去
17.Steam jetted from the punctured pipe.蒸汽从刺破的管道喷射出来。
18.Numerical research on hot steam injection at the central part of stator inner-arc静叶内弧中部热蒸汽喷射的数值研究

steam-jet ejector蒸汽喷射器
1.A new style of double nozzles steam-jet ejector is introduced on the basis of single nozzle steam-jet ejector.在普通喷嘴蒸汽喷射式热泵的基础上介绍了新型双喷嘴蒸汽喷射式热泵,通过分析和比较发现,在相同的操作条件下,双喷嘴结构能有效地提高喷射器的喷射系数和改善由于工作流体压力降低而造成的设备操作性能恶化,提高蒸汽喷射器运行的稳定性和纸机干燥部的干燥能力,降低能耗。
2.Based on the experiments, the present work analyzed the characteristics and mechanism of high noise of the steam-jet ejector.结合现场噪声测试结果,分析了蒸汽喷射器噪声的特点。
3.In the present work,the process of steam-jet ejector was analyzed in detail.对蒸汽喷射器的工作过程进行了深入分析 ,从热力学参数的角度出发 ,建立了蒸汽喷射器喷射系数计算的理想模型、动量守恒模型及动能守恒模型 。
3)vapor ejector蒸汽喷射器
1.Design and numerical simulation of vapor ejector;蒸汽喷射器的设计及其数值模拟
4)steam injector蒸汽喷射器
1.Application of steam injector in the deaeration heating system;蒸汽喷射器在除氧加热系统中的应用
5)steam jet ejector蒸汽喷射器
1.The working principle of fluid in steam jet ejector was introduced and it was explained the process,then structure an simple mathematical model for designing a steam jet ejector.对蒸汽喷射器内工质的工作原理进行了分析,建立了蒸汽喷射器的设计计算的简化数学模型,并通过计算获得蒸汽喷射器的一些重要几何参数,从而为蒸汽喷射器的设计提供一种较为简捷的方法。
6)steam jet蒸汽喷射器,蒸汽射流
