地震海啸,earthquake tsunami
1)earthquake tsunami地震海啸
1.Summary on the tectonic setting of the area around Indonesia where earthquake tsunami happened;印尼附近海域地震海啸发生的构造背景综述
2.The solution of the water surface of the wave equation caused by earthquake is derived,which is the theoretical equation of earthquake tsunami and it is the theoretical equation of earthquake tsunami and then is applied to calculating the local tsunami.推导了地震海啸波传播的理论方程,并对局地地震海啸情况下的理论方程进行了求解。

1.Disaster of Indonesian Earthquake Generated Tsunami and the Emergency Response印尼8.7级地震海啸灾害及应急救援
2.Two Problems of Urgent Rescue About the Indian Ocean M8.7 Earthquake and Tsunami关于印度洋地震海啸紧急救援的两个问题
3.Global low temperature,earthquake and tsunami(Dec.26,2004) in Indonesia2004年12月26日印尼地震海啸与全球低温
4.A Simple Model of Reported Casualties during Earthquakes and Earthquake-generated Tsunamis地震和地震海啸中报道死亡人数随时间变化的一个简单模型
5.The Dec. 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Tectonic setting and the tsunami disaster.2004年12月26日苏门答腊—安达曼大地震构造特征及地震海啸灾害
6.On psychological influence and individual coping with vital emergent events: a case of India Ocean tsunami;论重大突发事件的心理影响及本体应付——以印度洋地震海啸为例
7.The Natural Revelations: The Social and Historical Implications of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake-Tsunami;自然启示录:1755年里斯本地震海啸对葡萄牙社会的冲击和影响
8.Tsunamis are concomitant with off shore earthquakes.海啸是随海上地震而产生的。
9.A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake.一场骇人的海啸跟随地震而来。
10.loss of or damage to the insured property caused and expenses incurred by earthquake or tsunami;地震、海啸引起的损失和费用
11.A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.海啸由海底地震或火山喷发而造成的巨大海浪
12.Earthquakes can also cause tsunamis, which devastate coastal regions.地震还引发海啸,它直接破坏海岸地区的人和物。
13.Our oceans are alive with earthquakes, volcanoes, and more recently, tsunamis.海中充满着地震、火山,包括最近发生的海啸。
14.So who gets called after a massive earthquake or typhoon, or a tsunami?那麽在重大地震、台风或海啸出现时,会找谁?
15.The magnitude8.1 quake caused many to fear that a tsunami could hit the region.这次震级为8.1级的大地震使许多人担心海啸可能会袭击该地区。
16.The tsunami, triggered by an earthquake off Indonesia, left300,000 dead in countries around the Indian Ocean.印尼海域地震引发的海啸给印度洋地区的国家带来了30万人伤亡。
17.The meteorological agency initially issued a tsunami warning, but it was canceled about an hour after the first tremor.日本气象厅最初曾发布海啸警报,不过在第一次地震发生大约一个小时后取消了海啸警报。
18.The howling wind merged with the violent rain to fill the air like a dense fog, pounding harshly and relentlessly onto the surface of the water.天在发怒,海在发怒,一时间,风声、雨声、海啸声,充满人间,震撼天地。

Seismic tsunami地震海啸
1.It is believed that there is no potential risk of seismic tsunami in the northern,western,southern and central parts of the South China Sea.本文对南海海域的海底地形地貌、海水深度、地质构造格局、断裂活动、地震和海啸的活动等进行分析,认为南海北、西、南以及中部都不具备发生地震海啸的基本条件。
2.Chinese scholars carried out research work in this field mainly after the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia,because in South China Sea, the possibility of seismic tsunami is great, it has become a hot study area in China scholars.地震海啸是当海域发生大地震时,海底隆起和下沉引起的海浪。
1.Sythetical Review on Study of Earthquake-tsunami and Prevention in China and Consideration for Preventing Tsunami disaster in Future;中国地震海啸及防御研究的综述与思考
4)seismic sea wave地震海啸
1.Through the analysis of seismic sea wave in areas of Chinese coast and land frame,we think that Rizhao of Shandong coastal areas have not the condition to form seismic sea wave,and other seismic sea wave can not influence this areas.从概念上区分风暴潮和地震海啸,讨论风暴潮和地震海啸的形成、分布;通过对中国大陆沿海地震海啸和大陆架情况的分析,认为山东日照地区沿海既不具备形成地震海啸的条件,也不可能受非本地地震海啸的影响。
1.This paper emphatically expounds the specialities of the tsunami compared with the other secondary disasters of the earthquake, puts forward the conception of the seaquake, and points out the enlightenment of the tsunami of Indian Ocean on the future seaquake relief work.着重阐述了地震海啸与其他地震次生灾害相比的特殊性,提出了“海震”的概念,并指出了印度洋海啸对今后抗震救灾工作的启示。
6)tsunamigenic earthquake海啸地震
1.Tsunamis,earthquake-generated tsunamis and tsunamigenic earthquakes;海啸、地震海啸与海啸地震

地震海啸  由于海底激烈的地壳变化,造成大片水域突然上升或下降所引起的大海浪。海底地震、火山喷发或是海沟侧壁崩坍等,都可成为海啸的波源。海啸自波源区向四面八方传播出去,在深水中其传播速度为,g为重力加速度,h为水深。当水深为5000米时,v接近于800公里/小时。海啸在大洋表面上的振幅不超过数米,但优势波波长可达数百公里的量级,优势波周期可达数十分钟。地震海啸的规模与地震震级M近似有线性关系,M<7的海底地震,几乎不产生大的海啸。    当海啸趋向近岸的浅水时,振幅增加,特别是在U形和V形海湾中,若湾中水的振动周期同海啸周期相近,将产生共振,振幅有时可达20~30米,并以近于垂直的波前向海湾四周涌来,因此常造成巨大的灾害。    造成海啸的初始扰动,可发生在离岸很远的地方,初始波数也不多,但经过传播路径上的大陆架和海岸等的多次反射和干涉,波数增多,形成若干个很大的波,相互的时间间隔为数分钟或更长一些。通常第二个或第三个波为最大。在第一个大的波动到来前数分钟(或甚至达半小时),海湾中可观测到异常的海水倒退现象。    环太平洋地震带浅源大地震最多,深海海沟的分布也最广泛,故地震海啸多发生在这一海域。据统计,世界上近80%的地震海啸发生在太平洋四周沿岸地区,其中受地震海啸袭击最严重的是夏威夷,其次是日本。为减少地震海啸可能造成的灾害,在夏威夷、日本、南北美洲太平洋沿岸以及苏联的堪察加地区,都已建立了海啸警报系统。由于地震波在地壳中的传播速度 c比地震引起的海啸波速度v大很多,可用以估计海啸波滞后于地震波到达的时间τ。在震中距为△的点上,。通过观测海洋声波,也可预告海啸波到达的时间。地震海啸拍岸浪头的高低,除与地震震级、震源机制等有关外,主要决定于港口和沿海地段的地形和海岸线形状。关于海啸强度的预测,目前仍在探索之中。(参见彩图)     参考书目   宇津德治著,陈铁成等译:《地震学》,地震出版社,北京,1981。(宇津德治:《地震学》,共立出版社,東京,1977。)