航道淤积,channel siltation
1)channel siltation航道淤积
1.The influences of the projects on channel siltation are compared and analyzed based on the calculation of siltation using Dou Guoren s non-equilibrium suspended-sediment transport equation and riverbed deformation equation,during normal weather and typhoon season.分别对连云港港30万吨级航道扩建工程的两种有防波堤方案及无防波堤方案进行了工程前后平面二维潮流泥沙的数值模拟,利用窦国仁悬沙不平衡输沙方程及河床变形方程式,进行了正常天气和台风天气下的航道底部淤积计算,比较分析了3种方案对航道淤积的影响。
2.In recent years, with the increase of the port constructions on the silty coast, the problems of the sediment transport, especially the channel siltation become more and more prominent.近年来,随着粉沙质海岸港口建设的发展,粉沙质海岸泥沙问题,特别是航道淤积问题越来越突出。
3.Nearshore sediment transport play a significant role in the coastal evolution and channel siltation.近岸泥沙运动是造成岸滩演变、航道淤积的主要原因。

1.Study of Sediment Transport and Channel Siltation on Silty Coast粉沙质海岸泥沙运动及航道淤积机理研究
3.Research on the Deposition of Lianyungang s Deep-water Navigation Channel on Muddy Coast;连云港淤泥质海岸深水航道泥沙淤积数值研究
4.The Sedimentary & Accretion-Erosion Environment of the Outer Navigation Channel in Changjiang Estuary;长江口深水外航道海域沉积和冲淤环境研究
5.Recent Silting in Estuaries and Its Impacts on the Harbours and Channels in the Zhujiang Delta;珠江三角洲口门近期淤积及其对港口航道的影响
6.The Sedimentation and Regulation of the Chong qing Reach of the Three Gorges Reservoir under the Condition of New Seiries of Water and Sediment新水沙条件下三峡水库重庆河段泥沙淤积与航道整治研究
7.Sediment begins to choke the channel's opening.沉积物开始淤塞河道口。
8.Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation channels penetrate through the littoral zone.多数航道由于泥沙淤积都需要疏浚,冲刷沿岸地带的航道尤其是这样。
9.Survey and study on characteristic of sediment in the constructing channel of muddy coast淤泥质海岸航道建设期泥沙回淤特征监测研究
10.Study on Morphological Evolution and Siltation in Deep Waterway Due to Channel Re-construction in the North Passage, Yangtze Estuary;长江口深水航道河床演变与航道回淤研究
11.The Harnessing of Outer Channel of Huanghua Port and Sediment Control Techniques黄骅港外航道整治工程及航道骤淤防治技术
12.Change of re-siltation in the Yangtze Estuary deepwater channel during 1~(st) and 2~(nd) stages长江口深水航道(一、二期工程)回淤变化
13.Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?清除街道上淤积的雨水是谁的工作?
14.The channel of the river will fill up with mud if not regularly dredged.河道如果不定期疏浚,就会积满淤泥。
15.Preventive Measures of Erosion and Sedimentation and Seepage about Channel Project;渠道工程冲刷、淤积、渗漏的防护措施
16.Analysis of the Course of Sedimentation in Lower Approach of the Floodgate and Research of the Project of Bring into the Tidewater and Eroding the Sedimentation;挡潮闸下游河道淤积原因分析及冲淤保港措施研究
17.Research on approach channel dimension of Tianjin central fishing port and sediment siltation天津中心渔港进港航道尺度论证与航道泥沙回淤研究
18.Recently, there has been much mud in the Yangzi River, which makes the channel much shallower than before.近年来长江里含大量泥沙, 造成航道淤浅。

the outer navigation siltation外航道淤积
1.Sand movement of silt-sandy beach and the outer navigation siltation;粉沙质海岸的泥沙运动和外航道淤积
3)siltation of approach channel引航道淤积
4)siltation thickness in approach channel航道淤积厚度
1.But the computation method of the siltation thickness in approach channels derived from the mud coast can be used in the silty mud coast by considering the different hydrodynamic characters of brea.回顾了淤泥质海岸航道淤积厚度的计算方法,其中,特别对破波与非破波产生的含沙量作出的比较表明,它们之间的差别非常之大,但只要考虑了破波和正常波的不同水动力特性、粉沙淤泥质泥沙与淤泥质泥沙之间的不同运动特性,则淤泥质海岸航道的淤积计算方法,就可以用于粉沙淤泥质海岸。
5)siltation in navigation channel航道回淤
1.Formulas of sediment transport and carrying capacity for different wet densities of fluid mud and prediction method of siltation in navigation channel in typhoon period are presented.本文提出不同湿容重的浮泥挟沙力关系式、浮泥输沙率公式以及大风期的航道回淤预报模式。
6)siltation at waterway航道淤浅

坝区泥沙淤积坝区泥沙淤积sedimentation in dam area boqLJ rl}sho ytljl坝区泥沙淤积(Sedimentation in dam area)河流上筑坝塑水后,由于塑水区内水深加大,流速降低,泥沙沿程淤积,并向坝前推进,造成坝前泥沙的淤积。坝区泥沙淤积产生的问题主要有:①在船闸引航道中及其口门附近产生淤积,使航深不足或水流不顺而有碍通航。②电站进水口前的泥沙堆积使过机水流中的含沙量增大,泥沙变粗,造成过水建筑物或水轮机过流部件的严重磨损。③坝前泥沙淤积有可能影响问门启闭,堵塞泄水孔,影响大坝安全。 以通航为主的枢纽和以发电为主的枢纽对坝区水流条件的要求不同,防治坝区泥沙淤积的措施也不一样。 (1)以通航为主的枢纽。宜将船闸布置在靠近稳定深乱线一侧,要避开弯道的凸岸和回流、缓流区。这些地区都是泥沙集中淤积处,且淤积后又难于冲走。结合各个工程的实际情况,可设置某些导流排沙工程,如修建引航导墙以破除回流减少淤积;设置底部高程较低的冲沙闸,以定期冲刷上游及下游引航道淤沙。 (2)以发电为主的枢纽。高水头水电站的防沙措施主要是设置高程较低的排沙孔。排沙孔布置在机组进水口的下面,防沙效果最好,但结构复杂,施工及管理都不便。一般把排沙孔设在进水口的侧下方,其位置以使进水口处在冲刷漏斗的影响范围之内为原则。低水头枢纽的防沙措施,主要是进行合理的平面布置。如利用弯道环流特性,正面取水,侧面排沙,同时设置导沙坎,常能取得较好的防沙效果。在中小型水库中,也可采取清浑水分治的办法,即在童水区上游修建排浑渠(或排浑洞),当汛期洪水人库时,可将浑水通过排浑渠(洞)直接排往坝下游,减少主库淤积,缓解坝区泥沙问题。