1.Research into information technology popularization and its comprehensive application in rural schools;农村地区学校信息技术的普及与综合利用研究
2.Discussion on realization of popularization of popular science peridicals;论科普期刊普及性之实现
3.Value orientation in the popularization of the minority people's sport of "high-heel horse" by means of sports games体育游戏对少数民族传统体育高脚竞速普及的价值趋向

1.While in one place there is popularization and then raising of standards on the basis of popularization, in other places popularization has not even begun.一处普及了,并且在普及的基础上提高了,别处还没有开始普及
2.universally accessible medical care普及的医疗护理服务
3.popular scanning electron microscope普及型扫描电子显微镜
4.popular transmission electron microscope普及型透射电子显微镜
6.graduation policy [generalized preference]“毕业”政策〔普及特惠税〕
7.universal primary education and literacy普及初级教育和扫盲
8.This love takes in all mankind.这种爱普及全人类。
9.A popular but unfounded belief.宗教普及但虚幻的信仰
10.Television has been popularized as never before.电视已经空前普及
11.Cord blood storage is not yet common practice ?贮存脐带血还未普及
12."Make the nine-year compulsory(obligatory, free) education universal"普及九年制义务教育
13.polio vaccination coverage小儿麻痹症防疫普及
14.SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge)基督教知识普及协会
15.The percentage of construction supervision is low;建设监理普及率还不高;
16.It is widely popularized in society.在全社会普及性很广。
17.the initiating or popularizing of a trend or fashion.倾向或风尚开始或普及
18.(I) Foreign Language Learning and Popularization(一)外语学习和普及

1.On the role of popularity of basketball in the"National Fitness";浅析篮球运动的普及在“全民健身”中的作用
2.On the popularity of symphony in the Ordinany university;论交响音乐在普通高校中的普及
3.The results show: balloon volleyball is a sport fit for the middle-aged,the youth and the teenage;it has a bright popularity prospect.研究表明:气排球运动适宜在中青少各年龄段群体中推广;气排球运动在全民健身中具有广阔的推广前景,但目前其普及程度不够。
1.Objective To popularize international guidelines 2005 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Henan Provence.结果对急救技术的重视在河南省得到明显提高,普及了心肺复苏国际指南理论知识,规范了操作程序。
2.To set up a sense of ecology is the pre-condition of a sustainable development;it is necessory to popularize the education of ecology,because the ecological education is guarantee for establishing an ecological sense and ecological culture,and a must for a sustainable development.树立正确的生态观是可持续发展的先决条件,在我国学校普及生态学教育是必要的。
3.The paper briefly introduces the directed movement,analyses the propect of launching directed movement in our country,and puts forward some concrete suggestions how to lanuch and popularize the directed movement.本文对定向运动进行了简介 ,并就定向运动在我国开展的前景进行了分析 ,提出开展和普及定向运动的具体建
1.Universalization is the first history mission of the information technology that brings an industrial revolution.第一大历史使命是普及,掀起一场产业革命;第二大历史使命是扩散,掀起一场社会革命;第三大历史使命是提升人类智慧,掀起一场大脑革命,并最终催生以生物技术为代表的新的产业革命。
2.They put a great emphasis on the improvement of the universalization rate of secondary school education as well as its quality.百余年来,美国政府和有关教育组织从适应时代发展的战略高度,在各个时期出台了一系列教育改革的措施和政策;一方面十分强调不断提高中等教育的普及率;一方面极其重视提高教育质量。
5)popularization of putonghua普通话普及
6)Promoting Putonghua普及普通话
1.On Promoting Putonghua Actively and Accelerating Standardization of Chinese Characters;论积极普及普通话与加快汉语汉字规范化结合

科学普及出版社  中国综合性科学普及读物出版机构,1956年创建于北京。以出版中、初级科学普及读物为主。至1987年底,共出版各类科普图书3000余种,发行总数达3亿多册。每年出版新书约200余种,并出版《知识就是力量》、《科学大观园》、《发现》、《自然》等科普期刊。自1983年起,增设声像编辑室,已制作、出版数十种科技音像制品。近年来出版的一批系列化图书,如《机械工人培训教材》、《农业技术干部培训丛书》、《中学生丛书》、《大学后教育书系》和《来自西方的知识丛书》等,在社会上颇有影响。仅1987年,就有《奋斗》、《今日电子学》、《Basic语言》、《全面质量管理基本知识》和《新知识词林》等书在国内图书评选活动中获奖。该社开展与外国合作出版和国际交流业务。1980年以来,与美国时代-生活出版公司合作出版了《少年科学知识》文库(10卷),发行7万套;与美国时代公司合作出版《发现》杂志中文版;与国际水稻研究所合作出版《看图种稻》和《水稻有害生物综合防治图解》中文版;并接受中国国际图书贸易总公司委托,为亚非国家编辑出版了《科学普及》小丛书的英文版和法文版。该社在广州和乌鲁木齐分别设有"科学普及出版社广州分社"和"科学普及出版社新疆维、哈分社"。