1.A Study on the Effects of Junior Middle School Students Moral Judgement Ability、Sympathy on Helping Tendency;初中生道德判断能力、同情心对其助人倾向的影响研究
2.Family education plays a particular role in children’s sympathy development.同情心是一种基础性的道德情感,它是儿童以"被爱"为基础,以"爱他人"为前提培养起来的对不幸者的"恻隐之心"。
3.The religion of humanity advocates sympathy,altruism .人本宗教提倡同情心、利他主义和自我牺牲,并通过它们实现人生和人类的至善。

1.expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward.表示同情的、有同情心的、出于同情的或富于同情心的;有此倾向的。
2.sympathetic audience富有同情心的观众/听众
3.They haven't a sprinkling of sympathy.他们没有一点同情心
4.He tried to play on her sympathies.他想利用她的同情心
5.maintaining a stony silence表现毫无同情心的冷漠
6.Moved By compassion, I didn't press for payment.出于同情心我不逼债了。
7.He has no sympathy for beggars.他对乞丐没有同情心
8.She tried to merge her sympathy.她尽力克制同情心
9.His was the gift of sympathy.他天生富有同情心
10.His sympathies had not been touched.他的同情心没有给激发。
11.She is sympathetic and full of forgiveness.她富有同情心, 待人宽厚.
12.help a person out of compassion出于同情心而帮某人
13.warm compassionate feelings.温暖的、富于同情心的感情。
14.Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind.同情心是人类特有的感情。
15.compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive.愿意饶恕别人的富于同情心的感情。
16.the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic.热情的体贴周到的富有同情心的。
17.sympathetic to the students' cause; a sympathetic observer; a sympathetic gesture.引起学生同情的;富有同情心的观察者;同情的姿态。
18.Disposed to be kindly, friendly, or sympathetic.好心好意的,友好的或有同情心

be destitute of good feeling无同情心
3)children's sympathy幼儿同情心
5)An outpour of sympathy.倾注同情心
6)empty of pity.缺乏同情心
