1.Correction and Study of WeiZhao s Notes to Jinyu Ⅲ in the Book Guoyu;《国语·晋语三》韦注辨正
2.Analysis on the Internal Combining Characteristics of Synonym Combination——The Synonym Combination from GuoYu《国语》and ShiJi《史记》;同义连用形成的机制与原因——以《国语》、《史记》中的同义连用为例
3.On the Aim and Narrative Style of Guoyu;从鉴古思潮看《国语》之编纂目的及其叙述方式——兼论《国语》与《左传》之关系

1.Language: Malay is the official language, but English and Chinese are widely used.语言:马来语为国语,通用英语和华语。
2.Language: Arabic is the official language. English is widely used.语言:阿拉伯语为国语,通用英语。
3.Chinese grammar is a thing different in nature from English grammar.中国语的语法从本质上异于英语语法。
4.Language: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are the official languages. Malay is the national language.语 言:马来语、英语、华语、和泰米尔语为官方语言。马来语为国语
5.Contrast of Korean "(?)" and Chinese "心"韩国语“(?)”与汉语“心”的对比
6.Correction and Supplement to Guoyu Jijie(《国语集解》) RONG Hui-bing《国语集解》订补(《楚语》部分)
7.He can speak French,Spanish,Italian,German,and Japanese.他会讲法语、西班牙语、意大利语、德国语和日语
8.Language: Malay is the official language; Chinese and English is widely used.语言:马来语为国语,另外汉语和英语也广为使用。
9.Language: Creole is the first language, English and French are also spoken.语言:克里奥尔语为国语,通用英语和法语。
10.foreign languages, goods, students外国语、 外国货、 外国学生.
11.Language: Bislama is the national language and the official languages are Bislama, English and French.语言:宪法规定比斯拉马语为国语,比斯拉马语、语和法语为官方语言。
12.The mandarin of Singapore is Malay, english, Chinese, Malay it is official language with weak Mi Eryu.新加坡的国语为马来语,英语、华语、马来语和淡米尔语为官方语言。
13.British and American English英国英语和美国英语
14.American English and British English美国英语和英国英语。
15.An analysis of difference in grammar between American and British English试谈美国英语和英国英语的语法差异
16.On the Differences between British English and American English;浅析英国英语和美国英语的语体差异
17.A Study of Standard English, China English and Chinese English;谈标准英语、中国英语和中国式英语
18.An American Dictionary of the English Language,英语语言美国字典,

national language国语
1.The pragmatic spirit,which is derived from pragmatism,is the power and practical lever in constructing "national language of literature,and literature of national language" in May Fourth Movement.“实验主义”所衍生的“实验的精神”,是五四“文学的国语,国语的文学”建设的精神动力和现实杠杆。
2.Qing Dynasty was established by Manchurian and the Manchuria language was the language of their own nation which was called National Language.清是满洲人建立的政权,满语是满洲人本民族的语言,即“国语”。
3)Guo yu国语
1.significance of the examples by Yi recorded in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu for the studies of Zhouyi s text;《左传》、《国语》易例于《周易》之文本意义
2.On difference and Similar of Guo Yu and Zuo Zhuan;浅谈《国语》和《左传》的异同
3."Guo Yu" "Zuo Zhuan" the Contrast Recording Significant Historical Facts of Jin Guo Studies;《国语》《左传》所叙晋史比较研究
4)Guo Yu《国语》
1.A Study on the Grammar of the Word Yue in Guo Yu;《国语》“曰”字语法研究
2.On Collocation of Synonym Used in Guo Yu;谈《国语》的几对同义连用语词
1.On diplomatic language of Guoyu;试论《国语》的外交辞令
2.Collating the sentences of Guoyu which were quoted by Song ben Guang yun;《宋本广韵》引《国语》例辨正
