客家话,Hakka dialect
1)Hakka dialect客家话
1.This paper introduces a group of initials-t■、t■ 、■-in?Hakka dialect of Longtansi near Chengdu,which cover the an-cient groups of知,章and庄.本文介绍了龙潭寺客家话的t■、t■'、■声母,从中可以看出它们覆盖了古知、章、庄三组声母。

1.The Common Features of the Zhuang Dialect, Cantonese ,the Hakka and Fujian Dialect;壮话与白话、客家话、闽话的共同特征
2.Hakka people in all places usually take the Meixian dialect as the standard Hakka language.各地客家人通常把梅县话作为客家话的标准语。
3.Comparison Studies on Hakka in Phonology between Panlong and Meixian;盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话音系的比较研究
4.The phonetic system of the Hakka vernacular spoken at Huanglianguan Pass of Sichuan Province in comparison with that of the dialect proper prevalent in Meizhou City;四川黄联关客家话与梅县客家话的比较
5.Notes on the Negative Word ■ in Hakka Dialects --Start from Hakka Dialect of New Territories, Hong Kong;客家话否定词"(口+盲)"小考——从香港新界客家话说起
6.The Lingual-dental Initials in the Hakka Dialects and Their Evolution;客家话的舌齿音声母及其演变——兼论客家话与北方话的分离年代
7.A Discussion on the Jingning SHE Dialect′s Relationship with the Hakka Dialects from Its Phonetic Features;从景宁畲话的语音特点论其与客家话的关系
8.The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County, Guangdong Province广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调
9.The special usage of affix “zi” in jiangxi nankang hakka;“子”字在江西南康客家话中的特殊用法
10.The Word "aijie" in Hakka Dialect and Its Paronym;客家话的“(女哀)姐"及与其相关的同源词
11.Doubt of Hua Yang Liang Shui Jing Ke Jia Hua Ji Yin Notes;《华阳凉水井客家话记音》译注献疑
12.The Hakka Pronunciation of Zhi-Group Vowel and Jing-Group Consonant in Guanzhu;广东电白观珠客家话止摄精组字的读音
13.Phonological Contact Influence of Dongfeng Hakka and Elihua in Yizhang, Hunan Province湖南宜章东风乡客家话与俄俚话的语音接触影响
14.A Variety of Yue(粤) or Hakka(客家)?:A Preliminary Research on Min'an(民安) Shijiao(石角) Dialect of Fogang(佛冈) County粤语变体还是客家话变体?——广东省佛冈县民安石角话初探
15.Speaking Hakka dialect Hakka peoplet as a independent derivative of Han ethnic group.客家人之所以成为汉族的一个独立民系,说客家话是其重要特征之一。
16.Both PC Liew and KH Lai can conduct discussions in English, Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese and Hakka or a mix of them which may include some Kunming-hua.刘必强和赖国雄都能用英语、通话、来语、语和客家话,甚至混合昆明话进行交流。
17.A Reappraisal of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall And Some Thoughts on Feminism;重读《房客》话女权——论海伦的离家出走
18.From Words Rare in Other Dialects to See Hakka Dialects Hill Language Nature;从外区罕见词看客家方言的“山话”特性

1.On Modern Hakka Pronunciation of the Ancient Initial "RI";客家话古日母字的今读——兼论切韵日母的音值及北方方言日母的音变历程
3)Hakka dialects客家话
1.This paper explores the relics of g initial of archaic Chinese found in the Hakka dialects, by listing 11 original characters of the words.通过音韵与意义的论证,考证列举了客家话中匣母读作群母的本字11个,因此确定了客家方言今天匣母最古老的语音层次。
2.While retaining their basic linguistic features, the Hakka dialects of Longchang have changed a lot since the immigration because of the influence of the southwest dialects there.隆昌客家话保留了客家话的一些基本语音特点;同时由于受到西南官话的影响,又产生了许多新的变化。
3.This dissertation is intended to give a detailed introduction to the origin as well as its development of Hakka dialects in Yilong area in Sichuan province.仪陇客家话随着客家人入川至今已200多年,在与西南官话(仪陇话)的融合过程中既保留了客家话自身的语音特征,又深受西南官话影响,显现出向西南官话靠拢的趋势。
4)the Hakka客家话
1.The Common Features of the Zhuang Dialect, Cantonese ,the Hakka and Fujian Dialect;壮话与白话、客家话、闽话的共同特征
2.Among the Hakkas living in Guanzhu Town of Dianbai County, Guangdong Province, the initial consonant of Jin-Group(精组)is pronounced ask ork’, while the vowel of Zhi-Group(止摄)is pronounced as ?The same pronunciation is also found among the Hakkas living in the nearby towns of the central east of the County.广东电白县观珠镇客家话止摄精组字声母读[kk‘],韵母读[Y]。
5)Tunlong Hakka dialect屯隆客家话
6)Shatan Hakka dialect沙田客家话
1.The author of this paper mainly looks at the phonological system,features and the homophony syllabary of Shatan Hakka dialect in Hezhou,Guangxi.贺州沙田客家话主要是长乐声,来自广东梅州地区。

《华阳凉水井客家话记音》  记录地点方言口语的著作。董同龢(1910~1963)著。1936年1月完稿,原载1948年上海商务印书馆发行的《历史语言研究所集刊》第19本。1956年8月北京科学出版社重印出版。全书11.7万字。"前言"简单地说明了客家入川的经过、四川客家话应用的情况以及本书记音和处理材料的方法。正文分3部分。第1部分"标音说明",内容包括声母、韵母、声调、字音的连续变化、句调、音韵表等。第2部分"记音正文"共分20段,有对话、独白、祷词、童谣、故事等。第3部分"语汇",约3000个词语,按音序排列,并附有普通话释文。本书研究的是在四川方言包围之中的客家方言,较多地记录了当地人成段的口语材料。