1.The Auxiliary Word of Tense De in “Qiludeng”;《歧路灯》中的动态助词“的”
2.Research on the Usage and Formation of "li" in Qiludeng;《歧路灯》结构助词“哩”的用法及其形成
3.Study on Ba-structure in QiLuDeng;《歧路灯》“把”字句研究

1.Light and Mirror Reflect and Match Each Other Perfectly--the Analysis on Thought of the Light of Crossroad;灯镜相映 妙合无限——《歧路灯》思想探析
2.The Psychological Process of Rise and Fall of Tan Shao-wen's Life in Qiludeng《歧路灯》中谭绍闻人生浮沉的心路历程
3.Yu" and "Gei" in "Hongloumeng"、"Qiludeng" and "Rulinwaishi;《红楼梦》、《歧路灯》和《儒林外史》中的“与”和“给”
4.A Comparison of Ba-structure in Qiludeng, A Dream of Red Mansions and The Scholars;《歧路灯》与《红楼梦》《儒林外史》“把”字句比较
5.The Folk Cultural Features of the Language Art in Qilu Lantern;论《歧路灯》小说语言的民俗文化特色
6.Study on structures of cooperative-preposition in "Qi Lu Deng";对《歧路灯》协同类介词结构的考察
7.Other Reasons Refraining the Popularization of QILUDENG;再谈阻碍《歧路灯》广泛传播的原因
8.Talk about Xia Ding in "The Light on the Forked Road";论《歧路灯》中的人物形象——夏鼎
9.Suited to Refined and Popular Tastes,Filled with Humor and Wit--On the Lingual Art of the Novel Lights on the Intersections;雅俗共赏,妙趣横生——《歧路灯》的语言艺术
10.A Novel Should Not Be Neglected--the Study on QiLuDeng;一部不容忽视的小说——《歧路灯》考论
11."Qi Lu Deng" Be an Educational Novel Deserving Reference;《歧路灯》是一部值得借鉴的教育小说
12.The Wisdom of Tradesmen Reflected in the Commercial Advertisements in the Fiction <The Lamp for Forked Roads>;《歧路灯》中商业广告所反映的商人智慧
13.Vbude(O) for possibility in Qiludeng;《歧路灯》中的能性“V不得(O)”
14.Research on the Usage and Formation of "li" in Qiludeng;《歧路灯》结构助词“哩”的用法及其形成
15.The Imitation and Surpass of The Astray Light to The Golden Lotus;《歧路灯》对《金瓶梅》的模仿与超越
16.Discussion on the description of Actors and its Meaning in Light on Forked Road;论《歧路灯》中戏曲伶人的描写及其意蕴
17.An Inspection of Henan Dialect Vocabulary in 18th Century Through Qiludeng;从《歧路灯》看十八世纪河南方言词汇
18.The Usage of "Di" in A Beacon out of a Crossroad《歧路灯》称谓语中“第”字用法探析

The Lamp on the Forked Road《歧路灯》
1.As for "The Lamp on the Forked Road" the Chinese Feudalist Society Reason Holds the Portent Rotating Declining;从《歧路灯》看中国封建社会由盛转衰的征兆——以文教、社会风气为考察范围
2.So, we can say, it is that one kind of novelist s thoughts specially appears that the thoughts of the novel, " The Lamp on the Forked Road " of LiLuyuan who is the novelist of Qing Dynasty also like this.因此,小说作品的思想表达也可以说就是小说家思想的一种特殊呈现,清代小说家李绿园的《歧路灯》亦是如此。
3)Qilu Lantern《歧路灯》
1.The Folk Cultural Features of the Language Art in Qilu Lantern;论《歧路灯》小说语言的民俗文化特色
2.A Study on Qilu Lantern and Fork-custom Culture in the Region of Central Plain;《歧路灯》与中原民俗文化研究
3.The Diet Custom in Qilu Lantern歧路灯》中的饮食习俗
4)Qi Lu Deng《歧路灯》
1.Study on structures of cooperative-preposition in "Qi Lu Deng";对《歧路灯》协同类介词结构的考察
2.A Difficult Journey——The Destiny of Qi Lu Deng;《歧路灯》命运之“难”
3.A Study on the Structure that Expresses Possibility in Qi Lu Deng略论《歧路灯》中的能性述补结构
1.A Novel Should Not Be Neglected——the Study on QiLuDeng;一部不容忽视的小说——《歧路灯》考论
2.Vbude(O) for possibility in Qiludeng;《歧路灯》中的能性“V不得(O)”
3.An Inspection of Henan Dialect Vocabulary in 18th Century Through Qiludeng;从《歧路灯》看十八世纪河南方言词汇
6)The Lamp over the Branch Road《歧路灯》
1.On the Art of Portrait of the Characters in The Lamp over the Branch Road;论《歧路灯》的写人艺术
2.This paper is the comparative research on The Lamp Over the Branch Road and The Golden Lotus.本文是《歧路灯》与《金瓶梅》的比较研究。
