1.There is a tendency that the substantive can be shifted to the predicate in modern Chinese word-class.通过对现代汉语词类活用的分析发现,汉语词类活用中存在体词谓词化的倾向。

1.Cognitive Explanation of Substantive Shift to Predicate in Modern Chinese Word-class;现代汉语词类活用体词谓词化的认知解释
2.Proclitic Substantive of Predicate Verb in the History Book;《史记》谓语动词的体词性后续成分
3.Study of Metaphor in words Related to Human Body: a Case of Hand;身体词的隐喻研究——以汉语“手”类词为例
4.concrete copula具体系词copular
5.On the Style-breaking,Style-following and the Respect of the Literary Genre of Ci-poetry in the Ci-poetry Study in the Qing Dynasty;清代词学中的破体、辨体与推尊词体
6.Ci Poem:A Body With Two Faces--A Survey of Ci Poem in Song Dynasty from the Criticism of Su Shi s Ci Poem and his Idea of the Ci Poem;词:一体两面——从宋人对东坡词的批评与东坡词论考察宋代的词体观
7.N-Mw phrases can not used after the predicate.形容词/动词后不能用表示具体差别的数量词。
8.Critics as Important Carriers of the Theory of Ci-Poetry:A Brief Discussion of the Value of Poems and Ci on Ci;词学理论的重要载体——简论清代论词诗词的价值
9.Finding the Ci-poetized Theories of the Ci-tuneful School During the Middle-late Period of the Northern Song Dynasty;北宋中后期词坛“曲词派”词体诗化理论发皇
10.A Qualitative Analysis on the Verb+(Human Body) Noun Compound Words;略论动词+人体名词式复合词的定性和定位
11.a word that is more specific than a given word.比给定的词更具体的单词。
12.Reference object i s the necessary part of words builiding and words usage.参照体是构词和用词时必不可少的。
13.The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type.本词典的词条用的是粗体字.
14.Gentle Emotions in Diversified Styles ──On Wang Shizhen' Ci情兼哀艳 词备众体──论王士?之词
15.The head-words in this dictionary are printed in bold type.这部词典的词目是用黑体字排印的。
16.Viewing the Formation of the Aesthetic Characteristics of Ci--Poetry from Liu、Wen and Ou S Ci--Poetry;从刘、温、欧词看词体美感特质的形成
17.The Sorrow of Lyric and the Respect for Ci as a Genre:A New Study on Li Qingzhao s Comments on Ci;音情之悲与词体之尊——李清照《词论》新探
18.A Comparative Study of Syllabus of Graded Words for Chinese Proficiency and High-Frequency-Word List in the Mass Media in 2005;《词汇大纲》与2005媒体高频词语比较研究

1.Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate, and it also serves as a complement accidentally.这种结构还有两个显著特点:一是从元代开始,出现了“真个+好+体词(短语)”的句式,明清时期数量就大增了;二是含副体结构的句子不少是无主句。
3)Ci genre词体
1.The early Under-ordered Ci exhibited an evolutional track from the poetry to Ci,engendering special significance to the formal establishment of Ci genre.早期应制词表现出由诗向词演进的轨迹,对词体的正式确立有特殊意义。
1.Modern people argue that Ci originated from Yanyue(Yan music) during Sui and Tang dynasties from the viewpoint of music.李昌集先生认为“词体的发生,乃是唐代民间歌曲和语言双双发展的水到渠成。
2.In the academic circles,there is no study on the cause of Ci s subjectification.关于词体的主体化走向,学界尚缺乏探因研究。
3.Ci is a sort of the Chinese poetry genre, which has a distinct external morphology and a unique culture contents along with the Yan-yue in Tang and Song Dynasties.词体是中国诗歌发展至唐宋时期,伴随着当时流行的燕乐而产生的一种有着鲜明的外在语言形态和独特文化内涵的诗歌体裁。
5)style of ci词体
1.The style of ci originating among the people" and "ci originating from the court-feasting music in the Sui and and Tang Dynasties" are the interrelated academic propositions on the level of music activities.“词体发生于民间”与“词起源于燕乐”,在音乐文艺活动的层面上是相关联的学术命题。
6)body phrase体词性词组
