1.A comprehensive investigation of the correlation between questions and exclamations has been carried out,and the syntax and semantics of those exclamatory sentences have been in depth discussed.现代汉语里的大量疑问标记兼具有感叹用法,同时一些感叹用法是来自疑问代词所构成的短语的凝固形式。
2.Most sound-words originate from exclamation and onomatopoeia.声音词指字义源于声音、字形记录声音、字音等同或近似于某种声音的词,多源于感叹和拟声。

1.The exclamatory sentences marked by exclamatory adverbs in A Dream of the Red Chamber;《红楼梦》中以感叹副词为标志的感叹
2.a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation.感叹句后面的标点(!)。
3.a word used in exclamations of confusion.困惑时使用的感叹词。
4.an abrupt emphatic exclamation.一句突然而有力的感叹
5.Used in exclamations expressing surprise用於感叹句,表示惊异
6.Esp in exclamations expressing surprise尤用於感叹句,表示惊奇
7.an exclamatory rhetorical device.一种感叹的修辞方法。
8.“Good Heavens!”and “Ouch!”are interjections.“天哪!”和“哎哟”都是感叹词。
9.A word which can express an exclamation, a call or a response is called an interjection.叹词是表示感叹、呼唤、应答的词。可以表示惊讶、赞美、埋怨、叹息等感情。
10.Constituting, containing, relating to, or using exclamation.表示感叹的构成、包含、有关或使用感叹
11.A Study of Chinese Exclamatory Sentence and Intonation Based on Sound Corpus;基于语音库的汉语感叹句与感叹语调研究
12.Russian exclamations are words that express feeling and willingness.俄语感叹词是表达情感和意愿的词。
13.Used to express agreement or understanding.行,好表示同意或理解的感叹
14.Used as a toast.干杯!祝酒时所用的感叹
15.Used in greeting or parting.喂或再见见面或分手时用的感叹
16.`Oh!', `Look out!' and `Ow!' are exclamations.`啊!'、 `小心!'、 `哎哟!'都是感叹词语.
17.Owners sighed: Why had always" me"?业主感叹:为什么败诉的总是“我”?
18.Sometimes we think so just because other people thought so.有时我们总是人云亦云!(舌头感叹人生!

1.The emotional semantic meaning of the English interjection;论英语感叹词情感语义的特点
2.The masterly use of interjections contributes a lot to the success of Lao She s masterpiece——Teahouse.感叹词是老舍先生著名作品《茶馆》成功的一个重要因素。
3."Well"is a typical interjection and has many functions,especially in spoken English.英语感叹词是英语中的一个小词类,其重要性往往被忽视。
3)exclamatory expression感叹表达
1.This paper discusses the relationship between 9 kinds of French word classes and exclamatory expressions, and analyses the functions of these word classes in exclamatory expressions and their sentence structure features.探讨了法语中9种词类与其感叹表达的关系,分析研究了这9种词类在构成感叹句时所起的功用及其句型结构特征。
4)exclamatory adverb感叹副词
1.The exclamatory sentences marked by exclamatory adverbs in A Dream of the Red Chamber;《红楼梦》中以感叹副词为标志的感叹
5)exclamatory sentence感叹句
1.The exclamatory sentences marked by exclamatory adverbs in A Dream of the Red Chamber;《红楼梦》中以感叹副词为标志的感叹
2.Based on Approbation Maxim,Modesty Maxim,Agreement Maxim,Sympathy Maxim of the maxims of politeness,the paper makes a contrastive analysis of the relationship between MP and exclamatory sentences in English and Chinese from the perspective of cross-culture pragmatics.从基于礼貌原则中的赞扬准则(用于表情和表述)、谦虚准则(用于表情和表述)、赞同准则(用于表述)、同情准则(用于表述)这一视角对比分析了东西方跨文化交际中的礼貌原则与英汉感叹句语用之间的关系。
3.Comparatively speaking, the research on exclamatory sentences started fairly late.感叹句和其他句类的研究相比较,起步较晚,20世纪90年代以来,随着对句类研究的重视,感叹句的研究者和研究成果才日渐多了起来。
6)Chinese exclamatory intonation感叹语调
