1.Different underground objects have different features of reflection towards high-frequency electromagnetic wave and have different image features on the ground-penetrating radar detecting image.不同的地下目标体对高频电磁波具有不同反射特性,表现在探地雷达探测图像上具有不同的图像特征。

1.Research on Physical Education and Target System of Health Courses;学校体育与健康课程目标体系之研究
2.On Thoughts of Chinese Sports Education, the Goal of Healthy Education,and Their Goal Systems;对我国体育与健康教育目标及其目标体系的思考
3.goals of sports collective运动集体目标 运动集体目标
4.On Coordination of Sports Teaching Aim and Teaching Purpose体育教学目标与体育教学目的的协同
5.Our specific objectives have been:我们的具体目标一直是:
6.Target to establish an integrated pulp and paper/board production以林浆纸一体化为目标
7.My principal aim right now is to get well.我目前的首要目标是把身体康复。
8.Construction Enterprise Project Management System Target Cost Analysis施工企业项目目标成本管理体系分析
10.The Research on the Objective Evaluation Index System and Approach of Road Construction Project;公路建设项目目标评价指标体系及方法研究
11.Contradiction & Coordination Between the Goal of Food Reformation and the Goal of New Food Circulation System;粮改目标与新粮食流通体制目标的矛盾与协调
12.Research on Evaluation Indicators System Used in Bidding for Commercialized S&T Projects;产业化类科技招标项目评标指标体系研究
13.object of entry描述体客体;项补语;记入目的;记入项目标
14.secondly,design teaching aim basing on the whole situation;第二,要立足整体设计警体教学目标;
15.Establish the Gymnastics Teaching Mode of "aim-main body-development";构建体操“目标—主体—发展”教学模式
16.Quality Education of P.E.:The Main Items of P.E.Normal School Education;体育素质是体育师范教育的主要目标
17.Resultant of Forces: the Coordination Target of “the Subject-Other Subject” Activities;社会合力:“主体—主体”活动的协调目标
18.On the function,value and the subject target of PE;体育的功能、价值和体育学科的目标

target system目标体系
1.Taking industry to promote farming strategy s characteristics and target system;以工促农战略的特征与目标体
2.Constructing principles of the target system and quota system in sports stamina training;竞技体育体能训练目标体系与指标体系构建原则分析
3.Thinking of Establishing the Scientific Development Target System建立科学发展目标体系的思考
3)general objective总体目标
1.According to the characteristic of general objective prediction of mineral resources and its products,the GM(1,1) model making theory and methods is put forward,which can improve the prediction accuracy greatly,so this model is suitable for use in the objective prediction of ores and products exploitation.针对矿产资源开发总体目标预测的特点,提出GM(1,1)建模理论和方法能够大大提高预测准确性,该模型比较适合于矿产资源开发总体目标预测;通过对原始数据进行重新构成及滑动平均加等维信息处理等方法,能够有效地处理矿产统计数据中失真与矿产资源开发目标之间的关系。
2.This paper analyses various factors and grounds of the strategic objective and strategic priority of human resources development in Qujing,then puts forward the general objective of human resources development in Qujing in the first 50 years in the 21st century and "three-step" stage objective.分析了确立曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点需考虑的各种因素和依据,提出了曲靖市21世纪前50年人力资源开发的总体目标及“三步跨越”式阶段目标。
3.The general objective is to establish standard company system enterprises, innovate system, and carry out management and technological innovation while taking the turning point of reconstruction.企业改制的总体目标是设立规范的公司制企业 ,实现机制创新 ,并以改制为契机进行企业管理和技术创新。
4)General target总体目标
5)Volume target体积目标
1.At long distance(the far field),a ship can be considered to be a dot sound source,while at short distance(the near field),it is more retional that the ship should be considered to be a volume target.通常,目标舰船距离观测点很远时,舰船可被视为一个点声源,但舰船距离观测点很近时,就不能再被视为点声源,而应被视为体积目标更为合理。
2.Ships at short distance should be considered as a volume target.舰船在近距离上应视为体积目标,提出利用非典型声强向量阵对体积目标各部位定向的基阵共用技术。
6)volume target体目标
1.Feasibility of detection of electrostatic volume target by this system has been validated.设计了一个探测器阵列,且在每个探测单元外加屏蔽筒,并通过仿真验证了该探测阵列对于静电目标在作为体目标时实现探测的可行性。
2.A new type of shoot target,a space volume target is presented.提出了一种新的射击目标———体目标,并对导弹射击体目标时的毁伤效率进行了随机仿真研究。

宏观经济目标体系  宏观经济系统所应达到的功能、费用、时间、可靠性等目标的集合。确定目标体系属于霍尔三维结构逻辑维中的第二个工作步骤。因为宏观经济系统是一个复杂的大系统,所以宏观经济目标体系具有多目标、多层次的特点。例如,目标体系中可包括社会总产值、国民收入、工农业发展规模等目标,按层次分又有全国、地区、部门等目标,还可将总目标分解成若干层次的子目标。宏观经济目标体系是一个多级递阶结构,可用目标树来描述各目标间的多级递阶关系。右图所示为一宏观社会经济系统的目标树。