
1.An ERP Study on Processing Difference between Auditory Chinese Real Words, Pseudowords and Nonwords汉语真词、假词和非词听觉加工差异的ERP研究
2.a sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest假仁假义的微笑、 言词、 人、 抗议信.
3.Natural Word Order and the V-bar Pied-piping Hypothesis;动词补语并移:基于自然词序的假设
4.Questioning Bi-parameter Hypothesis on Wh-words;质疑关于wh-词词法构型的“双参数假说”
5.a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it.源于熟悉单词假设出来的单词(通常出去词缀)。
6.About the Classification of Determiners and the Assumption of Determinative Phrases;英语限定词的归位与限定词词组的假设
7.On the Phonetic Loan Characters of the Six Categories of Chinese Characters and its Effect on the Character Relationships;论“六书”假借及由假借所引起的字词关系的变化
8.The Developmental Trend of Forms of Words with Tongjiazi(通假字) and Popularity about Some of the Forms of Words with Tongjiazi;通假异形词的演变趋势及部分通假字异形词的流行
9.During the Chunqiu Zhanguo period,it was used as a preposition "Yu" and then became a personal pronoun and a conjunction.在春秋战国时期,又假借为介词(于/於),并发展为人称代词、承接连词。
10.You'll need to swot up your irregular verbs during the holiday.你假期得抓紧复习一下不规则动词。
11.In this sentence the verb be In the subjunctive mood在这个句子里,动词用的是假设语气
12.of words so related that both cannot be true but both may be false.相关词语不能同时为真但可同时为假。
13.Fermi's suggestion was more than a verbal hypothesis.费密的见解不仅是词句上的假设。
14.On the Phenomenon of Overflowing of Katakana in Japanese试论日语中片假名词语的“泛滥”现象
15.The Study of Incidental Vocabulary Learning Based upon the Involvement Load Hypothesis;基于“投入量假说”的附带词汇学习研究
16.The Investigation on "RuGuo(如果)" Structure and Hypothetical Conjunctions Related to It from Various Perspectives;“如果”类假设关联词的多角度研究
17.Qrigin and Grammaticalization of "Shi" in Old Chinese;古汉语假设连词“使”的来源及虚化过程
18.New Horizons in the Formal Study of Noun Phrases:The Multi-layer DP Hypothesis;名词短语句法研究新视野:层级DP假说

3)class changes of words and phrases词语假借
1.This paper mainly analyses the phenomenon of "class changes of words and phrases" signing in "bu" in negatives in Ma Shi Wen Tong.本文分析了《马氏文通》中以“不”为标志的否定句的“词语假借”现象 ,用“词语假借”的术语总括“字类假借”的实际外延 ,并对其进行了重新分类 ,进而讨论了“词语假借”所涵盖的语法现象。
4)assumption of language词汇假设
1.The author summarizes those criticisms and opinions the theory has suffered or is suffering,and discusses its basic issues,such as suspicion about circulation argument,correlation of trait and behavior,rationality of assumption of language and applicability of factor analysis,conflict and balance between generic approach and idiographic app.本文对特质论已经遭受或正在遭受的批评和质疑进行了综述,对特质研究中存在的一些基本理论问题作了一定的探讨,主要包括循环论证的嫌疑、特质与行为相关性的问题、词汇假设和因素分析法适用假设的合理性问题、特质研究所达到的科学水平、特殊规律研究法和一般规律研究法的冲突和权衡以及价值中立等问题。
1.On the Phenomenon of Overflowing of Katakana in Japanese;试论日语中片假名词语的“泛滥”现象
6)hypothetical conjunctions假设连词
1.Ma was published, people in the grammar fields have had a great many of divergences on the classification of Chinese hypothetical conjunctions and the relation types of complex sentences.本文回顾了假设复句的分类和假设连词的范围的研究情况,针对汉语假设复句和假设连词的界定上存在分歧的现状,依据邢福义先生对假设复句的界定,确定汉语和英语中假设连词的范围,将汉语的假设复句分为可能性假设复句和反事实假设复句两类。
2.Hypothetical complex sentences are a kind of more complicated complex sentence pattern, and the usage of hypothetical conjunctions in Medieval Chinese is complicated too.假设复句是较为复杂的一种复句类型,中古汉语假设连词的使用情况也相当复杂,前人对它们研究得还不够深入,还有很多悬而未决的问题。
