1.Stealing and Owned Forestry System:a Case Study on Southern Jiangxi;“”与林权——以赣南某村落林权状况调查为例
2.A survey of words and actions concerning“stealing”in Lu Xun s novels;简论鲁迅小说里的“

1.sneak aBout a place在某处摸摸地活动
2.The documents had Been spirited away.文件被地带走了
3.leave furtively and stealthily.地,悄悄地离开。
4.He would steal upward glances at the clock.他不时往上看钟。
5.smuggle a prisoner through the main gates把囚犯带出大门
6.To move stealthily or cautiously.地或小心翼翼地走
7.cause to move furtively and hurriedly.地并且仓促地移动。
8.He ran swiftly toward the giant.他地冲向了巨人,
9.keeping a secret or furtive watch.密密的摸摸的观察。
10.hole-and-comer search秘密(摸摸的)搜查
11.He slipped the money into his pocket.他地把钱放入口袋。
12.The cat moved stealthily in on the sparrow.猫地向麻雀逼近。
13.He stole a kiss from her.他地吻了她一下。
14.She ran slyly through the wall.她地穿过那堵墙。
15.The thief made away with her ring.小走了她的戒指。
16.The thief relieved him of his watch.小走了他的手表。
17.a clandestine love affair.摸膜的爱恋关系。
18.to steal a glance at sB. in the mirror在镜子中窥视某人

secretly tape or videotape偷拍偷录
1.Is it lawful that journalists hide their identity or intention to secretly tape or videotape? Can the tapes or video cassettes obtained in this way be allowed as judicial proof? The author holds that journalists hide their identity or intention to secretly tape or vidotape are illegal activities, but the tapes or video cassettes obtained in this way can be allowed as judicial proof.新闻记者隐瞒自己的身份或意图 ,以“录”的手段进行隐性采访是否合法 ?以此种手段获得采访资料在法律上是否具有作为证据的资格 ?本文针对上述问题进行了详细的分析 ,指出了新闻记者“录”行为的非法性及以此种手段获得的采访资料是一种以非法手段私录的视听资料 ,但只要它与案件的事实具有关联性 ,就应当具有证据资格。

偷针偷针 偷针   病名。出《诸病源候论》卷二十八。也即针眼。《证治准绳·杂病》:“祝其背上即有细红点如疮,以针刺破眼时即瘥,故名偷针,实解太阳经结热也。”详见针眼条。