1.Based on the detailed theoretical analysis of the Terahertz Optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD), the schemes of all-optical logic AND, OR utilizing TOAD were proposed.在对太赫兹光非对称解复用器(TOAD)进行详尽理论分析的基础上,提出了基于TOAD实现的全光与门、全光门方案,并对这些方案进行了20Gbit/s的实验验证,讨论了实验结果。
2.The author once was engaged in the translation of maritime decrees between Japanese and Chinese before coming to China.法律条文一般都具有一个特征,就是经常使用模糊性词汇(被称为“模糊词语”)。

1.logical OR-AND-OR逻辑“-与-
2.Well, maybe, just maybe,嗯, 许 ,只是许,
3."Some lead, and some follow. Some Blow hot, and some Blow cold. Some are strong, and some are weak. Some are up, and some are down. Therefore the wise avoid excess, extravagance, and pride."夫物随;吹;羸;隳。 是以圣人去甚,去奢,去泰。
4.Of or relating to number or quantity.数量的数量的、有关数量的
5.(of a book or an article)be published or printed(指书文章)发表出版
6.check or slow down the action or effect of.停止放慢行动影响。
7.suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial.适于似坟墓葬礼的。
8.of or relating to a nail or claw or hoof.属于关于指甲、爪蹄。
9.spill or splash copiously or clumsily.大量地笨拙地泼溅。
10.A hawthorn or similar tree or shrub.山楂类似的树灌木
11.get sb to give one money(as a loan or by begging)让某人给些钱(讨)
12.To shed or cast off(a covering.脱壳脱蜕去(壳皮)
13.increase or decrease in intensity.增加降低密度强度。
14.either French or Spanish法国的西班牙的
15.a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window.扣牢锁门窗的扣件。
16.befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress.适合属于皇帝女皇。
17.To untie or unfasten, as wrappings or bindings.解开松开包裹包扎
18.To finish or decorate the border or edge of.给…的边端磨光装饰

3)Huo and Huo Zhe"或""或者"
4)judge or examine或裁或审
5)more or less或多或少
6)Either large of small或大或小
