1.A Probe into the Edition of Yunjing (《韵镜》) Published by Beijing University Press;北大本《韵镜》的版本问题

1.On Phonology Transformation in"Guang Yun"and Phonology at Second and Third Grade in"Yun Jin;论《广韵》变韵与《韵镜》二、三等韵之关系
2.Viewing the Rhyme Dictionaries Based on Which Characters Were Covered in Yunjing(A Rhyme Mirrow) in Comparing Yunjing with the Other Related Rhyme Dictionaries in catalogue and Array Order从《韵镜》与相关韵书韵目及其排序之比较看《韵镜》列字所据之韵书
3.Studies on the Rhyme Dictionaries Which Yunjing Is Based on from a Comparison of Yunjing with Related Rhyme Dictionaries;从《韵镜》与相关韵书之比较看《韵镜》列字所依据的韵书
4.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究
5.The Evolution of the Opening and Closing of Dental Sound of a Series of the Rhyme Diagram of Yunjing in a Series of the Rhyme Diagram of Dengzi;《韵镜》一系韵图齿音开合在《等子》一系韵图中的演变
6.A Second Study on Kaihe(开合) Marked in Yunjing(韵镜) and Relevant Problems;《韵镜》所标“开合”及相关问题再研究
7.The Changes of Forms and Phonetics from YunJing to SiShengDengZi;从《韵镜》到《四声等子》等列的变迁与语音的演变
8.The Study on Yin-qie Comparison between Longkanshoujing and Guangyun;《龙龛手镜》与《广韵》音切比较研究
9.Courage and Insight, Taking Virtue and Intelligence in Concurrently , the Looks and Charm Standing Side by Side--Seen from Visual Angle that Women Show Loving Care for"JingHuaYuan";胆识与贤智兼收,才色与情韵并列——从女性关怀的视角看《镜花缘》
10.of or relating to measure.韵律的或与韵律有关的。
11."Long" rhymes with "song"."long"与"song"押韵。
12." Long" and" song" rhyme.long和song押韵。
13." House" rhymes with" mouse" .“House”与“mouse”同韵。
14." Bold" and" cold" are rhymes.“Bold”和“cold”同韵。
15.The Character of Ji Yun's Phonological System-from the Contrast of Ji Yun and Guang Yun从《集韵》与《广韵》小韵的比较看《集韵》音系的特点
16.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
17.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
18.On the Disparment and Combinableness of The Ge in the Series Books of Qieyun --The Comparison of the Fanqie about The Ge;《切韵》系韵书歌戈韵分合性质研究——歌戈韵在韵书中的反切比较

1.Studies on the Rhyme Dictionaries Which Yunjing Is Based on from a Comparison of Yunjing with Related Rhyme Dictionaries;从《韵镜》与相关韵书之比较看《韵镜》列字所依据的韵书
2.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究
3)special contributions《韵镜考》
1.The paper starts from the key items of YunJingKao (韵镜考), displays the author’s special contributions and his scientific foresight in academic study, and emphasizes the academic significance of YunJingKao (韵镜考).(日)大矢透《韵镜考》(1924)是中日《韵镜》研究史上具有里程碑意义的学术著作之一。
4)Yunjing Jiaozhu《韵镜校注》
1.Yunjing Jiaozhu(韵镜校注) by Long Yuchun(龙宇纯)is the first important work on the proofreeding of Yunjing(韵镜)engraved in the Yonglu(永禄) period .龙宇纯《韵镜校注》是我国第一部对永禄本《韵镜》进行校勘的力作,本文择其24条可商榷之处,进行了校正。
5)the prototype of Yunjing《韵镜》原型
6)The complement and correction of Yungjing Jiaozhu《韵镜校注》补正

光学反射镜镜坯材料光学反射镜镜坯材料mirror blank materials for optical reflection 光学反射镜镜坯材料mirror blank materiazsfor optieal refleetion通过光在材料表面的反射达到成象或传输能量的反射镜镜坯材料。用于地基或空间天文望远镜、高能激光束的传输等。 与折射望远镜比较,反射式望远镜具有全消色差、波段范围广、镜面材料易制造等优点。直到19世纪上半叶,反射式望远镜镜面材料都使用铜合金。铜的刚度不足,加工困难,镜面反射率不高。19世纪中叶开始出现在反射面上镀银的玻璃镜面。光学玻璃的熔炼和精密退火技术为制造大尺寸反射镜镜坯提供了条件。20世纪50年代发展了熔石英和低膨胀熔石英玻璃。60年代又出现了超低膨胀微晶玻璃。由于这种玻璃具有接近零的膨胀系数和高弹性模量,又可制造大尺寸毛坯,故成为望远镜镜坯的主要材料,并制造出大量2一4m级的反射镜镜坯。 种类常用光学反射镜镜坯材料有以下6种。 ①被:具有高的比刚度,利于减轻自重;具有较好的热稳定性、耐辐射稳定性和高硬度。被的热导率较大,尤其在250K以下,热稳定性远优于低膨胀熔石英和微晶玻璃。被反射镜制造工艺复杂,各向异性和相变引起的时效影响其尺寸稳定性,原料价格贵,粉末状被有毒,因而限制了它的使用。 ②铝:具有高的热导率,热稳定性优于熔石英,原料成本低,制造工艺简单,用于早期反射望远镜的制造。因其比刚度低,一般较少使用。 ③低膨胀玻璃:热膨胀系数接近于零。主要是低膨胀熔石英玻璃。用作地基或空间天文望远镜或反射镜镜坯〔见低膨胀镜坯玻璃)。 ④微晶玻璃:用作反射镜镜坯的微晶玻璃,是锉铝硅系统玻璃通过晶化处理而得到的。这种玻璃具有接近零的膨胀系数,比刚度和热稳定性与低膨胀熔石英相似,制造方便,成本较低,可进行高精度抛光。缺点是热循环后的尺寸变化和辐射稳定性较差(见微晶玻璃镜坯材料)。 ⑤碳化硅增强铝:碳化硅增强的铝基复合材料。碳化硅的引入可增加基体的比刚度,降低膨胀系数,提高热稳定性。改变碳化硅含量可调整材料性能,以满足与金属部件的匹配,通过热压可制得形状复杂、尺寸与成品相近的镜坯。 ⑥单晶硅:比刚度高于熔石英和低膨胀熔石英,热稳定性优于被,热导率与金属相似。冷却的硅反射镜适用于高辐射照度的反射镜。已制成口径0 .sm、将用作强激光反射镜的单晶硅镜坯。 特性光学反射镜镜坯材料的特性主要表现为以下几方面。①热稳定性:稳态和非稳态温度变化时镜面的热变形取决于膨胀系数a、热导率k和导温系数D。D~k/pc,式中p为密度,c为比热容。具有小的a/k和a/D的材料,热稳定性较好。②自重下的变形:取决于p(1一。