1.There have been many arguments on how to understand "pushuo" and "mili" in the sentence "The feet of male rabbits pushuo,and the eyes of female ones mili" in the folk song Mulan Poem in North Dynasty.北朝民歌《木兰诗》"雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离"中的"扑朔""迷离"作何解释,历来众说纷云莫衷一是。

1.the intricate windings of a labyrinth迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线
2.Both buck and doe have a little gait And both their eyelids palpitate.雄兔脚扑朔 雌兔眼迷离
3.All this is very strange.所有这一切是多么扑朔迷离啊!
4.I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。
5.Recent real estate prices remain the property should listen to the voices who?近期房地产价格扑朔迷离房价应该听谁的声音?
6.That mystery happens to be that of the even clandestine, black hole.这就是一直以来处于扑朔迷离之中的黑洞。
7.God's veil over things makes them all riddles.上帝的纱幔复盖着万物,使它们变得扑朔迷离。
8.Christie's detective stories are famous for their complicated and confusing plots.克莉斯蒂的侦探小说以扑朔迷离的情节而闻名。
9.The harder researchers look for it, the more elusive it appears.研究人员越苦苦寻觅,好像它越扑朔迷离。
10.The Mystery of Marguerite Duras Works and Its Essence of Madness;马格丽特·杜拉斯作品的“扑朔迷离”及其疯狂意蕴
11.The Fantastic Dream --An analysis on the hazy beauty of Debussy s works;扑朔迷离的梦幻——试析德彪西作品的朦胧美特点
12.Antonio Cassano's future at Roma is still in doubt after contract talks are believed to have stalled yet again.在谈判再次不欢而散之后,卡萨诺在罗马的前途依然扑朔迷离。
13.And he is reportedly looking for a new striker, which would throw extra doubt on Smith's future.同时他声称他仍在寻找一名前锋,这使史密斯的未来更加扑朔迷离。
14.His illness leaves many wondering if Democrats will lose their newly-won control of the Senate.这使得民主党新近取得的国会控制权是否会易主而变得扑朔迷离。
15.Complicated and Confusing IPTV Market--Predicting the Market Prospect of IPTV Based on its Market Scal;扑朔迷离的IPTV市场——从市场规模预测看IPTV市场前景
16.His move across London remains uncertain with Chelsea expected to complete the signing of Dutch international defender Khalid Boulahrouz from Hamburg.随着切尔西热切盼望从汉堡签下荷兰后卫博拉罗滋他转到伦敦另一边更显得扑朔迷离。
17.The scramble to house the UK's only Las Vegas-style super casino is turning into a lottery.英国各城市为修建国内唯一一座拉斯维加斯式超级赌场的争夺,正变得扑朔迷离。
18.The Tragedy in the Rue Morgue. Many individuals have been examined in relation to this most extraordinary and frightful affairs.毛格街惨剧。据悉许多与该项扑朔迷离、骇人听闻的事件有关的人士,均受到传讯。

mystery writing扑朔迷离
3)new moon朔
1.When the new moon is found, it becomes the synonym of the new moon.朔出现后 ,它转而成为朔的代名词 ,所以后人用朔解释它。
1.Discussion on the Adjustment of Planning of Land Utilization for RBD in Yangshuo;阳朔县游憩商业区用地规划调整探讨
2.Develops the Village Eco-tourism Countermeasure Research——Take Yangshuo as the Example;发展乡村生态旅游对策研究——以阳朔为例
3.Study on Quantitative Evaluation of Rural Tourism Resources in Guangxi——Take Yangshuo as an example;广西乡村旅游资源定量评价——以阳朔为例
1.Geochemistry characteristics and sedimentary micro-environments of No.11 coal seam of the Taiyuan Formation of Upper Carboniferous in Pingshuo Mining District,Shanxi Province;山西平朔矿区上石炭统太原组11号煤层沉积地球化学特征及成煤微环境
2.Pingshuo: the Green Ecological Industrial Park Construction平朔生态工业园区的绿色产业链建设

扑朔1.指雄兔脚毛蓬松。参见"扑朔迷离"。 2.兔的代称。