1.Both the revised and original edition of CHEN Zhong-shi s "Bai Lu Yuan"are influential and worth studying.修订版删改原版 2 2 6 0多字。

1.(of a book,film,etc)not abridged or censored(指书、影片等)未删节的,未删改
2.The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.稿子几经删改才定下来。
3.mutilate the original把原文删改得支离破碎
4.censored version经审查删改过的版本
5.Several lines in the new play were blue-penciled.新剧本有几行被删改了。
6.Of or relating to expurgation or an expurgator.修订的;删改删改的或修订者的,与其有关的
7.write `stet' beside(sth);cancel the correction of在(删改处)旁注上`保留'字样;取消对...的删改
8.The editor hacked the story to bits编辑将那篇报导删改得面目全非。
9.She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request.她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改.
10.My book has been hacked about terribly by the editor.我的书被编辑删改得不成样子。
11.She complained that her manuscript had been heavily blue-penciled by the editors.她抱怨编辑对她的手稿删改过多。
12.Getting information on changes and deletions...正在获取有关改动和删除操作的信息...
13.Add, review, change or delete user information.添加、审阅、更改或删除用户信息。
14.Add, change, or delete table of contents entries from the presentation.从演示文稿中添加、更改或删除目录项。
15.Changing this cube to read-only will delete the writeback将此多维数据集改为只读将删除写回
16.Cannot Modify / Delete Readonly / Protected device.无法修改/删除只读或受保护的设备。
17.Modify Storage for Deleted Files and E-mail修改删除的文件和电子邮件的存储
18.Cannot modify or delete arrays in shared workbooks.不能修改或删除共享工作簿中的数组。

deletion and change删削改篡
3)deletion record删改记录
6)an anodyne version删改本
