1.Oliver Mellors in Lady Chatterley s Lover is such an idealized man, who has got the best of both man s vitality and feminine tenderness.梅勒斯是集劳伦斯理想男人之大成者,全身洋溢着生气勃勃的男性气质,同时又具有极其温柔的个性魅力。

1.a gentle, yielding personality温柔、 和顺的性情
2.Showing gentleness and mildness.表现温和与温柔的。
3.such a sweet-tempered/sweet-natured girl如此温和的[温柔的]姑娘.
4.soft things恭维话, 温柔话, 心里话
5.cry weakly or softly.虚弱地或者温柔地哭泣。
6.She is very kind, patient and sweet.她温柔、善良、有耐心,
7.Maiden should be mild and meek, swift to hear, and slow to speak .少女尚温柔,多听慢开口。
8.She languished forsome kindwords.她渴望听到温柔的话。
9.Pisces: Be Mild and Be Romantic温柔而又浪漫的双鱼座
10.She went up to him gently.她温柔地走到他身边。
11.He has a strong but gentle character.他有坚强但温柔的性格。
12.But he had a gentle disposition.但他的性情却很温柔
13.I remembered what tender love felt like.我重温了温柔的爱的感觉。
14.the young wheat shone silkily; `Darling,' she said silkily.嫩绿的小麦闪耀着柔滑的光;‘亲爱的,’她温柔地说。
15.Love me tender,love me sweet, never let me go. "Love me tender"温柔地爱我,甜甜蜜蜜,不要让我离开你。《温柔地爱我》
16.Tenderness - provided they possess a physical charm which makes their tenderness worth having.温柔-当然,他们的体格外表呀要有魅力,不然温柔就浪费了。
17.my father is a soft touch; soft light; a soft rain; a soft Southern drawl; soft brown eyes; a soft glance.我爸爸是个心地柔软的人;柔和的灯光;柔和、拖拉的南方话;顺从、谄媚的眼神;温柔的一瞥。
18.behaving in or having a mild or gentle manner.有温和的或温柔的礼貌的,或以此行事的。

high flexibility at low temperature低温柔韧
3)low temperature flexibility低温柔性
1.The article introduces raw material selection of polymer modified cement based waterproof coating and analyses the influence of polymer cement ratio on tensile performance and low temperature flexibility and water absorption and application region of polymer modified cement based waterproof coating.介绍了聚合物水泥防水涂料原材料的选择 ,并分析了聚灰比对聚合物水泥防水涂料的拉伸性能、低温柔性、吸水率以及应用范围的影响 。
2.It is proposes that the synergistic effects of physical adsorption and chemical interactions enhance the high temperature rheology,low temperature flexibility,and fatigue failure of the hydrated lime asphalt mastics much more than that of limestone mastics.4倍,沥青的疲劳性能提高;由于消石灰物理吸附及化学反应的协同作用使消石灰胶浆比矿粉胶浆具有更好的高温稳定性、低温柔性和抗疲劳开裂性。
4)Tender Is the Night《夜色温柔》
1.An Analysis of the Artistic Charm in Tender Is the Night;《夜色温柔》写作艺术管窥
2.The World in Degeneration——An Interpretation of F.Scott Fitzgerald s Tender is the Night;堕落的世界——评菲茨杰拉德的《夜色温柔
3.The Sad Grand Banquet That Makes One Want to Quit——On Fitzgerald s Tender Is the Night;令人颓丧而想离席的华宴——评菲茨杰拉德的《夜色温柔
5)graceful and mellow温婉阴柔
6)gentleness and sincerity温柔敦厚
1.Shen Deqian s theories of po- etry put gentleness and sincerity to the first place,and advocated that poetry must have social functions.沈德潜的诗论以"温柔敦厚"为首,主张诗歌要有社会功用,他在《唐诗别裁集》中十分强调这种儒家诗教。
2.From time immemorial, gentleness and sincerity were considered as the esthetics style of The Book of Songs. 自古以来,"温柔敦厚"一直被看作是《诗经》的美学风格。
