1)Si[英][,es 'a?][美]['?s 'a?]祀
1.A Study of the Pronunciation and Meaning for “Ji”(祭) and “Si”(祀);“祭”、“”音义探源
2.The Evolution Quiz for the Quantifier Reckoning by Time "Si,Nian,Sui,Zai"计时量词“、年、岁、载”历时演变小考

1.Gaomei is one form to impetrate children.“高禖”祭是一种祈孕子嗣的祭形式。
2.An Investigation of the Evolution of the Suburban Sacrifice-offering System from the Han to the Tang Dynasty and Study of Singing Words at Suburban Sacrifice-offering;汉至唐郊制度沿革与郊歌辞研究
3.Sidian,Sisi and Yinsi:Survey on Popular Religion in Suzhou Since Ming and Qing Dynasties;典、私与淫:明清以来苏州地区民间信仰考察
4.The central hall is where all ceremonial activities are held.这里是祭活动的中心。
5.A lamb was offered in sacrifice.一只小羊用作祭
6."They even made offerings of their sons and their daughters to evil spirits,"把自己的儿女祭鬼魔,
7.They sacrificed sheep to their gods.他们以羊祭他们的神。
8.The "Son of Heaven" offered sacrifices for all the Chinese.“天子”为全中国人而祭
9.They sacrificed a lamb to the gods.他们以羔羊祭众神。
10.a great sacrifice; an ancient Greek or Roman sacrifice of 100 oxen.一个大的祭;古希腊或古罗马一百个人的祭
11.Complete destruction will come on any man who makes offerings to any other god but the Lord.祭别神,不单单祭耶和华的,那人必要灭绝。
12.He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the Lord alone, shall be utterly destroyed.出22:20祭别神、单单祭耶和华的、人必要灭绝。
13.The Mausoleum Sacrifice and Its Influences Upon the Ancestral Shrine Sacrifice During the Han Dynasty;试论汉代陵寝祭及其对宗庙祭的影响
14.Sacrificial Space and Clan Identity:--Investigation on the Folk Custom of Worshiping the God of Dongping in Heyang Village,Zhenghe County;祭空间与宗族认同——政和县禾洋村东平尊王祭的民俗考察
15.The Typical Rice-growing Farmers Sacrifice Offering--Taking Sacrifice-offering of Hani Terraced Fields as an Example;稻作民族的典型农耕祭——以哈尼族梯田祭为例
16.Offering Sacrifices to Ancestors and Giving Sexual Pleasure to Gods--On Contrast of Poems Zhou-song and Jiu-ge from a Cultural Perspective;祭祖先和以性娱神——《周颂》、《九歌》祭诗两极现象的文化考察
17.The Difference between the Cultual of North and South in the Sacrificial Offering Poem of Shijing·Zhousong and Chuci·jiuge;从《诗经·周颂》与《楚辞·九歌》祭诗的祭对象看南北文化的差异
18.Border Area s Understanding of Dynasty Legitimism--A Case Study of Bao-sheng-da-di Cult in Fujian and Taiwan;典抑或淫:正统标签的边陲解读——以明清闽台保生大帝信仰为例

sacrificial rites祭祀
1.On the base of campestral investigation,the author mainly studies the characteristics and relations between Fengshui and sacrificial rites on the old lounge bridges in the east of Fujian province,and points out that the appearing signal of the old lounge bridges mixed together the bridges and the local village culture by means of their formal signal and their symbolic expression.在田野调查的基础上,主要考察闽东廊桥在风水与祭两个方面的种种表征,指出廊桥凭借自身外显的形式符号,借助象征语言将桥梁与村落文化融为一体;廊桥既具现实的利民渡涉的作用,又反映了闽东乡民观念中的趋福避祸的心理,具有丰富的文化内涵。
2.The words in Chuci come from the sacrificial rites of the chief of a tribe in the region of Yuan river or Xian river.《九歌》是一组具有国家典性质的祭歌,用于大型、重要的祭活动。
3.With historical development,ethnic Manchu developed into four social groups,who lived in different from each other geographical and cultural conditions,and thus their sacrificial rites underwent different changes in content and form.不同类型的满族群体在相异的地理环境和文化的影响下 ,其民间祭的内容和形式也发生了不同的变化 ,表现出满族民间祭的稳定性和变更性相统一的文化特点。
1.In Mongolian areas Tibetan Buddhism penetrated into the people s social and daily lives,and brings great changes to Mongolian folklore,especially in funeral and fete customs.其中佛教观念对卫拉特人的丧葬和祭习俗影响格外深远,体现在埋葬方式、丧葬礼仪以及对大自然、佛和各种神的祭等方面。
2.The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy.本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭之间的关系展开研究。
4)the Fete for River河祀
5)Yusk(sacrifical rite to pray for rain)雩祀
6)Ji Si稷祀

百祀1.王畿内诸臣采地之祭祀。亦泛指各种祭祀。 2.亦作"百?"。指极长或相当长的年月。