1.This article argues that the tone of Li language appeared in Hainan Island solely, it hasn t the necessary genetic relation with Kam-Tai language of the same language group.黎语的声调是独自在海南岛产生的,它与同语族的大陆上的壮侗语并没有必然的发生学关系,今日黎语声调与大陆上的壮侗语的相似仅仅是类型学上的相似,因此不能认为黎语的声调与大陆上的壮侗语有历史上的共同来源。

1.A study on the lexicostatistic classification and the measurement of the time depth of the Zhuang-Dong languages;壮侗语族语言的数理分类及其时间深度
2.The Contribution Made by the Minority Group of Zhuang-dong Language,Observed from Language Point;从语言看壮侗语族民族对中国农业的贡献
3.The commentary about the relationship between mythos of Ling king and ancestor of Zhuang-Dong group;廪君神话与壮侗语族始祖神话的渊源关系考释
4.Ethnic Memory and Humanistic Reconstruction of the Zhuang&Dong People, the Xiou and Luoyue Descendants;瓯骆族裔—壮侗语民族的族群记忆与人文重建
5.Cultural Connotation of Rice-original Tales of Zhuang-dong Group in Guangxi;广西壮侗语族稻谷起源故事的文化内涵
6.A Contrastive Study of the Predicate-complement Structure in the Kam-Tai Languages and Chinese Language: a Typological Study壮侗语与汉语述补结构的对比分析及其类型学特征
7.The Connotation and Value Change of the Rice-culture of the Folk Songs and Dances in Longsheng Zhuang-dong Groups;龙胜壮侗语族群民间歌舞的稻作文化内涵和意义转化
8.On the Culture of Rice in Oral Creations of Zhuang-dong Groupin Up-part of Zhu-jiang Valley in South of China;论华南—珠江流域中上游地区壮侗语族群口头创作的稻作文化内涵
9.The Creation Mythology and Its Traits in Zhuang Dong Language Ethnic Groups--The fifth of the Studies on the Origin of Pangu Mythology;壮侗语民族的创世神话及其特征——盘古神话来源问题研究之五
10.To Promote the Prosperity of Economy and Trade between China and ASEAN by Culture --And a Discussion on the Importance of the Status of Zhuang-Dong language group;文化促进中国与东盟的经贸繁荣——兼论壮侗语民族的重要地位
11.The Creations Myth Of the Zhuang-Dong Language Speaking Ethnic Groups Are the Main Origin of the Pan Gu Myth;壮侗语民族创世神话是盘古神话的主要来源——盘古神话来源问题研究之六
12.Examples are the Ka'e and Lalela of the Zhuang and the Whistling of the Dong.如壮族的"呵呃"、"啦了啦",侗族的"嘎哨"、"喉路"。
13.Functional Comparison with the Derivation in Chinese, Dong Language and English;词缀在汉语、侗语、英语词中的功能比较
14.Differences in Personal Pronouns in Chinese,Dong Language and English;汉语侗语英语人称代词使用上的异同
15.A Comparison between Compounds in Chinese, Tibeto Burman, Dong Tai and Miao Yao Languages;汉语、藏缅语、侗台语、苗瑶语复合式合成词比较
16.the most widespread and best known of the Kadai family of languages.侗台语系中最广泛最出名的一种。
17.Analysis of the Textual Metafunction of the Dong Pipa Song of Shangzhong;尚重侗族琵琶歌(歌词)语篇功能分析
18.Functional Features of Demonstratives & Interrogative Pronouns in the Dong Language;侗语指示代词、疑问代词的功能特点

Zhuang-Dong group壮侗语族
1.Rice-original tales of Zhuang-dong group in Guangxi are rich in cultures.从广西壮侗语族稻谷起源故事中能揭示广西壮侗语族先民自主意识和民族意识逐渐增强的文化内涵。
3)Zhuang-Dong language group壮侗语民族
1.To Promote the Prosperity of Economy and Trade between China and ASEAN by Culture ——And a Discussion on the Importance of the Status of Zhuang-Dong language group;文化促进中国与东盟的经贸繁荣——兼论壮侗语民族的重要地位
4)Minority Group of Zhuang-dong Language壮侗语族民族
5)Myth of Shooting the Sun in Language of Chinese Zhuang and Dong中国壮侗语族射日神话
6)Zhuang and Dong Literature壮侗文学

侗语  属汉藏语系壮侗语族侗水语支。分布于中国贵州、湖南、广西三省(区)交界的20多个县。使用人口约140万(1982)。分南部和北部两个方言。方言内又各分3个土语。语言特点:浊塞音声母已消失。韵母趋于简化。北部方言 6个元音中只有一个短元音媅;南部方言6个元音中有2~4个分长短。 北部一些地区部分辅音韵尾如-m、 -p、-t、-k有失落或合并的现象。声调有分化。南部方言第2、第3两个土语有6个舒声调和4个促声调;北部方言第1、第2两个土语和南部方言第1土语有9个舒声调和6 个促声调。声调类的送气声母字各分化出一个新调值。北部另一土语仅第 1调有分化,因此有7个舒声调,4个促声调。虚词和词序为表达语法意义的主要手段。量词可以受它后边的实词或词组的修饰,在句子里做主语或宾语。名词的修饰语除数量词组在前外,一般在后;指示代词在最后。主语在谓语前,宾语在谓语后,补语多在宾语后。南部方言有"我们"和"咱们"的区别,北部方言一般不分。"固有词汇以单音词为主;多音词中以双音的居多。南、北方言常用词的差异很小,相同词的平均数达70%左右。不同的词大都是各方言自成一片;北部方言的汉语借词比较多。有些词语,侗语固有词和汉语借词并存并用,新老借词也有并存并用的现象。1958年创制了拉丁字母的拼音文字。