1.The number of private household slave servants during the Western Han dynasty was greater than any other period in Chinese history.西汉时期官私奴婢的数量在历代王朝中是最多的 ,但就中国历史而言 ,奴婢数量的多少主要取决于奴隶制生产方式与国家各种政治、经济、法律制度和政策相适应的情况 ,同时也受历史传统和社会时尚的影响 ,并不直接反映一个时期社会生产力的发展水平和文明进化的程度 ,也不直接反映奴婢社会地位的实际状况。

1.The number of women figures increased; they appeared as domestic servants, singers and dancers.女俑的数量很大,主要奴婢歌舞俑,
2.The legal ideology about slave and slave girl in The Laws and Decrees of the Second Year of the Han Dynasty;《二年律令》有关奴婢的法律思想初探
3.The slaves and bondmaids problem of lingnan district in T ang Dynasty and society evolution;唐朝岭南地区的奴婢问题与社会变迁
4.Dream of the Red Chamber Manifested the Cruel Oppressing Way to the Slave-girl by the Rulers in Qing Dynasty;《红楼梦》再现满族统治者役使奴婢之残酷
5.The Social Status of Private Slave and Servants during the Western Han Dynasty: A Perspective from Han Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan Area;从张家山汉简看西汉时期私奴婢的社会地位
6.Official Certificate on Buying and Selling of Slave in Gaochang Kingdom as Seen from Sogdian Certificates and Contracts从粟特文券契看高昌王国奴婢买卖之官文券
7.Awakening of Personal Conscience of the Lowly;卑贱者人格意识的觉醒——元杂剧奴婢和妓女形象之特点
8.The Status of Masters and Servants and the Legal Position of Male and Female Servants in the Song Dynasty: A Study of Changing Class Structure during the Tang and Song Dynasties;“主仆名分”与宋代奴婢的法律地位——唐宋变革时期阶级结构研究之一
9.They bowed and scraped like slaves to the foreigners.他们对外奴颜婢膝。
10.cried Parsons with a servile glance at the telescreen.派逊斯奴颜婢膝地看了一眼电幕。
11.They bow and scrape like slaves to the foreigners, willing to sell the country for their own selfish ends.他们对外奴颜婢膝, 甘心卖国求荣。
12.Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.至于你的奴仆,婢女,可以从你四围的国中买。
13.The eunuch groveled before the empress dowager那太监匍匐在皇太后面前(对皇太后奴颜婢膝)。
14.The man increased exceedingly, and had large flocks, maid-servants and men-servants, and camels and donkeys.为此这人越来越富,拥有许多羊群,婢女和奴仆,骆驼和驴子。
15."if a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished.出21:20人若用棍子打奴仆或婢女、立时死在他的手下、他必要受刑。
16.And if he smite out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake.若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。
17.A subservient client would soon face an accumulation of ever-growing pressures.奴颜婢膝的附庸则很快就会导致外来日益增加的种种压力。
18."If a man gives his man-servant or his woman-servant blows with a rod, causing death, he is certainly to undergo punishment."人若用棍子打奴仆或婢女,立时死在他的手下,他必要受刑。

1.It was’t another name for the slave or the tenant, either.王莽改制所颁布“王田私属”令中“私属”的真实内涵并不像诸学者所言的那样,即是对奴婢的另一种称呼,也不能简单地解释成“庶人”或“依附农民”。
2.Using the comparing methods, the study on the slaves' legal status lived in Chin and Han dynasties is divided into five chapters.本文主要采用比较方法,研究了秦汉奴婢的法律地位问题,共有五章。
3)household slaves家庭奴婢
4)slave-and-maid system奴婢制度
1.The slave-and-maid system in the monastery economy made the relationship between nuns and slave girls very close; their identities were interchangeable, but actually they were the same in essence.寺院经济中的奴婢制度使得"尼"和"婢"的关系十分密切,"尼"和"婢"可以互相转变身份,出现二者名异而实同的现象。
5)maidservants in the Jia family贾府奴婢
6)releasing the servant maids奴婢放良
1.This article analyzes the releasing measures taken on the servant maids of Han Dynasty according to the laws, the emperors orders and the historical facts of Han Dynasty and advances some peripheral views concerning the aftermath of releasing the servant maids and so on, expecting a reference for the learners.考察汉代奴婢放良问题,对秦汉奴婢问题的揭示不无裨益。

奴婢【奴婢】 (杂名)奴隶之男女也。印度土著之蕃人,为征伏者所使役者。亦为一个之财产。经中诸所有“奴婢钱财”之语。