1.This paper investigated and analyzed the shenglei in the book Liezishiwen by Yin Jingshun in the Tang dynasty.唐代殷敬顺《列子释文》音切中声类分布较复杂,大致以《切韵》音系为基础,存在少量的混切情况,很有可能是当时实际音读或方音的结果。
2)Sub-cultural interpretation子项文化释义
3)The Study on the Text of Liezi《列子》文本研究
4)ancient character释文注释

1.Emendation on the Annotation of Transcription of Bamboo Slips from Zhangjiashan Han Tomb No.247(Part Ⅰ );《张家山汉墓竹简》释文注释商榷(一) Comment documentation2.8.1 注释文档
3.Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text.解释,注释,评注对原文批评的解释或分析
4.A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.注释补充或解释,如在课文的一段中的注释
5.&Add Comment...添加注释(&A)...
6."Du shi xiang zhu" Hit The Target "Explaining The Meaning" And "Annotating The Meaning of Words";《杜诗详注》中的“释义”与“释文”
7.Collating and Explanation of Shiming in Duan Yutsai s Annotation of Shuwen Jiezi;段玉裁《说文解字注》对《释名》的校释
8.2.8 Comments and embedded documentation2.8 注释和嵌入文档
9.To provide(an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses.下注释,作解释,加注解
10.To furnish(a literary work)with critical commentary or explanatory notes;gloss.注释,给…作注解给(文学作品)作评论或注释;给…作注解
11.Analysis on the Notes of the Classical Chinese in Senior Middle School;高中语文教材文言文字、词注释评略
12.On Editting Annotation and References in Journals of Social Sciences;文科学报论文注释与参考文献的编辑
13.commentaries, textual notes, definitions, headings, footnotes评论, 文字注释, 定义, 标题, 脚注
14.Discussion on Three Notes to Selection Notes of Chinese Ancient Literature Works;《中国古代文学作品选注》三处注释商榷
15.A notation is the explanation of characters, words and sentences used inaliterary work;注释,指对文字作品中的字、词、句进行解释;
16.In printing, the explanatory comment accompanying an illustration or diagram separated from the text.印刷用语,与正文分开的解释性附图注释。
17.Of or relating to exegesis;critically explanatory.注释的注释的或同注释有关的;批评性的解释
18.End notes: A style of nothing where all reference notes are gathered together at the end of the book.书后注:注释排法的一种。所有注释集中起来,排在正文之后。

Sub-cultural interpretation子项文化释义
3)The Study on the Text of Liezi《列子》文本研究
4)ancient character释文注释
1.″Writing ancient Chinese characters in the official script″ actually constitutes the process and result of conducting the research and interpretation of the meanings of ancient characters.考察印工具书中诸多"同文异释"现象,实际上多半是以"隶定"作为"释文",且又隶定欠慎、造字不准所致。
2.The paper also offers some interpretation of the symbols and characters, the nature of the document, the referent and implication of "Mt.本文主要对近年来出土的一份重要的秦国文书———秦玉牍进行了探讨 ,并就四位学者在相关研究文章所提出的问题进行了进一步的检讨 ,包括玉牍文书的书写风格、玉牍文字释文与考释之举例、病主、文书的性质、华大山明神的准确含义以及诸文释文与考释之异同。
3.The main part of this thesis are one hundred of firty five revises , these revises are on the interpretation of the book of oracle bones from the site of southland at XiaoTun.本文主体部分是对《屯南·释文》所作的144则校订,通过校订我们发现《屯南·释文》主要有以下几类错误:(1)缺释,特别是对一些可据同文例释出的残辞的缺释,如《屯南》2035;(2)错读行款,如《屯南》2657;(3)不熟悉不同类组卜辞的字体特点而误,如《屯南》161;(4)采用各家考释成果不妥而致误,如《屯南》8;(5)句读错误,因不理解卜辞而致误,如《屯南》169;(6)摹录字形不确,如《屯南》3957。
1.Examples of Correction for the transcription in 《Zouyanshu》 of Bamboo Slips from Zhangjiashan Han Tomb;张家山汉简《奏谳书》释文补正举隅
2.This paper gives four questions on the pauses of transcription in Epitaph Unearthed of New China.列举了四例《新中国出土墓志》释文中的句读和理解的疏误,希望可以为本书的订补提供一些帮助,同时希望能为古代文化尤其是语言文字方面的研究提供一些有益的参考。

列子1.即列御寇,相传为先秦早期道家。 2.指众士子。 3.方言。军队行进的行列。