2)demonstrative pronoun指示代词
1.Sources of the triplet system of demonstrative pronouns in Jin dialects of Shanxi;山西晋语指示代词三分系统的来源
2.Types of Xingning dialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed, their grammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed.描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。
3.On the basis of the research of the previous person,this article compared the demonstrative pronouns:"every" and"each" on the syntactic and the semantic plane."每"和"各"是两个特殊的指示代词,但两者有同有异。

1."This" is a demonstrative pronoun."this"是指示代词
2.A demonstrative pronoun or adjective.指示代词或指示形容词
3.demonstrative pronou1.【语】指示代词
4.the demonstrative pronouns these and that .指示代词these(这些)和(那)
5.the demonstrative pronounstheseand&I{that.指示代词these(这些)和(那)}
6.the demonstrative pronouns Ithese and Ithat .指示代词Ithese(这些)和(那)
7.Functional Features of Demonstratives & Interrogative Pronouns in the Dong Language;侗语指示代词、疑问代词的功能特点
8.On the Degree-Demonstrating Function of the Demonstrative Pronoun Zhi;试论指示代词“之”的程度指代作用
10.An Integrated Cognitive Model of Demonstratives with Contrastive Studies in Chinese and English;指示代词选择的整合模型与英汉指示对比
11.A Discussion on the Deictic and Anaphoric References of the Demonstrative Pronoun in Russian;试论俄语指示代词的指示功能和照应功能
12.In ` This is my bike', ` this' is a demonstrative pronoun.在This is my bike一句中, this是指示代词.
13.Comparative Study on Demonstrative Pronouns This and That between Zhuang and Thai;壮泰语指示代词“这”、“那”比较研究
14.A Comparison Study on the Textual Anaphora Function of Chinese and Russin Demonstrative Pronouns;汉俄指示代词篇章照应功能对比研究
15.The Usages and Their Characteristics of Demonstrative Pronouns In the Modern Script Shang Shu;今文《尚书》指示代词的用法及其特点
16.A Multi-perspective Study of Reference of This and That in Discourse;英语指示代词this和that语篇照应多视角探析
17.A Study of Reference of "This" and "That" in Discourse;英语指示代词this和that的语篇照应用法探讨
18.On Pragmatic Functions of English Demonstrative Pronoun“This”and “That”;英语指示代词this和that的语用功能

demonstrative pronoun指示代词
1.Sources of the triplet system of demonstrative pronouns in Jin dialects of Shanxi;山西晋语指示代词三分系统的来源
2.Types of Xingning dialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed, their grammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed.描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。
3.On the basis of the research of the previous person,this article compared the demonstrative pronouns:"every" and"each" on the syntactic and the semantic plane."每"和"各"是两个特殊的指示代词,但两者有同有异。
3)demonstrative pronoun that refers to near近指代词
4)resumptive pronoun复指代词
1.Starting from the viewpoint of Generative Grammar,Chen Zongli & Wang Hengying(2007) summarize the distribution of resumptive pronouns in Chinese relative constructions.陈宗利、王恒英从生成句法的角度对汉语关系结构中复指代词的分布做出了归纳,然而这种归纳还会遇到一些例外情况。
2.Within the Principles and Parameters framework, this paper is an investigation of the distribution of resumptive pronouns in natural language relative constructions and its influence on the semantic interpretation of the relative construction.本文在生成语法原则与参数理论的框架内对自然语言关系结构中复指代词的分布以及由此引起的语义差异进行了探讨。
3.In addition resumptive pronouns can make c.此外,通过复指代词左移位可以起到强调和夸张的作用。
1.There are two main phonetic iconicity motivations in demonstratives: sonority hierarchy iconicity motivation and complexity iconicity motivation.指示代词语音象似动因主要有两个:语音音响度象似动因和复杂性象似动因。
2.The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the usages of five groups of demonstratives in the Susong dialect,particularly the meanings and usages of the group “wei”.与普通话中指示代词二分不同 ,安徽宿松方言的指示代词基本上是三分的 ,具体来说 ,共有五组 :( 1 )这、那、畏 ;( 2 )这些、那些、畏些 ;( 3 )这里、那里、畏里 ;( 4)这乎子、那乎子、畏乎子 ;( 5)这样、那样、畏样和这□、那□ (□表示有音无字的音节 )。
3.This thesis makes a preliminary comparative study on the demonstratives in English and Chinese through description.本文主要利用描述的写法,对英语和汉语的指示代词作了初步的对比研究。
6)demonstrative pronouns指示代词
1.The classification and usuage of demonstrative pronouns with basic form of Quanzhou dialect are studied.文章对泉州方言基本形指示代词的分类和使用进行初步的研究,作者认为泉州方言的指示代词可以进行四分,且在使用上有一些特殊性,同时作者对基本形指示代词的来源进行一些探讨。
2.The features of the particular function and high encapsulation of demonstrative pronouns in modern Chinese bestow these pronouns a unique position in the words family.现代汉语指示代词功能的特殊性、高度的封闭性等特性使其在词类体系中具有独特的地位。
3.Based on the former researches, this paper discovers that there exists obvious regional diversity of demonstrative pronouns in the above areas.汉语方言指示代词的类型有两种:整齐划一的类型和参差不齐的类型。

多指并指综合征多指并指综合征 为常染色体显性遗传伴有不同表现度。表现:桡侧多指,有时包括第1掌骨或骨,手和/或足的并指(趾)畸形,通常为轻度或中度。