1.For the word "bundle" in the phrase "Bundling the Shoes" in "Mencius",there are three different kinds of explanations:"rap","weave",and both of the former two explanations.对于《孟子》中"屦"之""的解释,存有三种不同的观点:一种释为"叩椓",一种释为"编织",第三种将"叩椓"与"编织"合流。

1.adjustable density chamber可调压密度的压
2.rotobaler for hay干草卷式捡拾压
3.Who never goes anywhere without a bundle of diapers, a bundle of baby bottles, and a bundle of love.其中包括一尿布、一奶瓶,还有一爱。
4.If you shock, I will tie.你堆成堆,我来
5.a bunch/stick/head of celery一[根/棵]芹菜
6."We were in the field, getting the grain stems together, and my grain kept upright, and yours came round and went down on the earth before mine."我们在田里禾稼,我的起来站着,你们的来围着我的下拜。
7.(Brit)bundle of hay or straw(干草或稻草的)
8."What's the knot for?"“干吗要绑呢?”
9.buy goods by the tally按打 [] 计算购货
10.Hay is baled before loading.装车前,干草被打成一的。
11.Tie the paintbrushes up into bundles and put them away carefully.把这些油刷子起一,小心放在一边。
12.To tie, wrap, or gather together.包,,扎在一起,绑在一起或聚在一起
13.The act of binding up or fastening, as with bandages.束用绷带或扎紧的动作
14."fasciation:The act of binding up or fastening, as with bandages."束:用绷带或扎紧的动作.
15.Testing methods for large cylindrical pick-up balerGB/T14290-1993圆草机试验方法
16.That was well done to tie a bunch of grass upon his back.对,在他背上上一草。 哈!
17.Research on the Bundle Tariff Package of Fixed Network Carriers;固网运营商绑型套餐还需“策略”
18.Design and Experiment of 4YF-1300 Large Rectangular Baler4YF-1300型大方机设计与试验

1.The online bar steel counting system includes the counting system and the bundling system.在线棒材计数系统包括计数系统和打系统,后者主要是精确分离棒材。
2.The online bar steel counting system includes:The counting system and the bundling system,the bundling system mainly solves the bar steel precise separation.在线棒材计数系统包括:计数系统和打系统,打系统主要解决棒材的精确分离。
3)tie and dye手捆
4)Log bundle木捆
1.Force distribution in squeezing proccss of log bundle is analysed by mcans of derivation of squeesing force and diffusing force of long bundle according fo the geomctric characteristics of log.本文通过对现有木成型挤压力和扩散力计算式的推导,根据原木的几何特征和相互之间的函数关系,详细分析了整个挤压过程的受力情况,为木排编排机和扎索的受力分析及设计提供了比较准确的理论依据。
1.The paper introduces the theory of port binding technology on ethernet switch,with which we solving the problems of ethernet switch mutual unite in real network circumstances.以太网交换机端口绑是一种扩展以太网交换机互联带宽的技术,该技术在不同类型交换机中配上不同的命令能实现一样的功能,并在实际网络环境应用中解决了以太网交换机互联、网络双冗余热备份的问题。
2.In this paper the phenomenon of binding in CPA trade is put forward.通过对会计师事务所执业风险的分析,指出国内外CPA行业里存在的绑现象,剖析了在我国的CPA行业中该现象产生的原因、绑对注册会计师以及CPA行业的危害,并针对绑产生的原因提出了抑制这种关系的对策。
3.The cognitive neural science and brain science focus on the binding problem at present that refers to how the brain integrates dispersed representations in many cognitive activities.绑问题是认知神经科学和脑科学研究的重要问题之一,其关注的是大脑如何解决分散表征的整合问题,现在已经成为许多认知领域的研究热点,但情节记忆和工作记忆中对于绑的研究还存在不足和分歧。
6)bundle up集捆
