2)"Shang and xia" as locatives方位词上/下
3)locality nouns Shang and Xia"上"、"下"类方位词
1.Having used tendency verb Shang、Xia and formed the psychic expressiveness about vertical position, children begin to master locality nouns Shang and Xia.儿童在使用趋向动词“上”、“下”及形成对垂直方位的心理表征能力的基础上开始掌握“上”、“下”类方位词。
4)subordinate categorization of adjectives形容词下位分类
1.What s restrictions from lexeme to its varieties;从词位到词位变体过程中的制约因素
2.Based on a systematic contrast of the total numbers,Based on a sysematic conrtast of the total numbers,main types and the basic ways of derivations of the animal lexemes in Chinese and English,We find out that the derivations in both languages,under the general rule of "similar model in one semantic field",displays their national variations influenced by dfferent by different culture modes.从词位派生义项的主要类型、数量以及义位派生的两种基本方式———相似联想和相关联想对汉英动物词位进行系统对比,结果显示,在“同场同模式”的宏观派生规则下,动物词位的派生义项体现了不同文化模式制约下义位的民族个性。
3.This paper proves that a lexeme is made up of three levels of different nature: a pure language word bears the nuclear meaning of a lexeme; the sememe in a lexeme is both the lexeme s conditional variant and the languagization of a parole word; a lexeme s free variant or a sememe s free variant in a lexeme is a parole word.本文证明了词位是由三个不同性质的层次组成的,纯语言的词就是词位的核心意义,词位中的义位是词位的条件变体,是言语的词的语言化;词位的自由变体或词位系统中义位的自由变体,则是言语的词。

1.sculpture in contradistinction to painting.请注意词与词位的对比。
2.What s restrictions from lexeme to its varieties;从词位词位变体过程中的制约因素
3.The Analysis on the Structure of "Prep+N/NP+Locality Noun"“介词+N/NP+方位词”中方位词的研究
5.a noun in apposition同格 [同位] 名词
6.'Silent' is an anagram of 'listen'.Silent是的变位词。
7.N-movement and NP-movement in Chinese Nominal Phrase;汉语名词性短语中的名词移位与名词短语移位
8.A Qualitative Analysis on the Verb+(Human Body) Noun Compound Words;略论动词+人体名词式复合词的定性和定位
9.About the Classification of Determiners and the Assumption of Determinative Phrases;英语限定词的归位与限定词词组的假设
10.A word that gives the address of a core storage location.指示词一个给出核心存储的位置的词
11.Norm and Lexicographical Definition of Chinese Lexeme;标准与汉语词汇语义单位的词典释义
12.Research into the Grammatical Function and Position of “Mingdongci”;“名动词”之语法功能及词类地位探讨
13.On nouns of orientation in Words and Expressions of Jinpingmei;论《金瓶梅词话》表方向的方位名词
14.Talking about the Important Position of Su Shi s Inditement in Poetry History;试论苏轼词创作在词史上的重要地位
15.Differentiation of word formation pattern of"tou"in modern Chinese nouns of locality;现代汉语方位词中“头”的构词方式辨析
16.A Study on Chinese Denoting-person Noun with an Orientation Word "before/after"汉语带有方位词“前/后”的表人名词研究
17.Controversy over the Modern Chinese Grammar "Preposition+X+Direction Word"现代汉语“介词+X+方位词”语法问题争议
18.Auxiliary Word "Zhi" and Localizing Word "Zhiⅹ" in Modern Chinese现代汉语助词“之”和“之×”方位词

"Shang and xia" as locatives方位词上/下
3)locality nouns Shang and Xia"上"、"下"类方位词
1.Having used tendency verb Shang、Xia and formed the psychic expressiveness about vertical position, children begin to master locality nouns Shang and Xia.儿童在使用趋向动词“上”、“下”及形成对垂直方位的心理表征能力的基础上开始掌握“上”、“下”类方位词。
4)subordinate categorization of adjectives形容词下位分类
1.What s restrictions from lexeme to its varieties;从词位到词位变体过程中的制约因素
2.Based on a systematic contrast of the total numbers,Based on a sysematic conrtast of the total numbers,main types and the basic ways of derivations of the animal lexemes in Chinese and English,We find out that the derivations in both languages,under the general rule of "similar model in one semantic field",displays their national variations influenced by dfferent by different culture modes.从词位派生义项的主要类型、数量以及义位派生的两种基本方式———相似联想和相关联想对汉英动物词位进行系统对比,结果显示,在“同场同模式”的宏观派生规则下,动物词位的派生义项体现了不同文化模式制约下义位的民族个性。
3.This paper proves that a lexeme is made up of three levels of different nature: a pure language word bears the nuclear meaning of a lexeme; the sememe in a lexeme is both the lexeme s conditional variant and the languagization of a parole word; a lexeme s free variant or a sememe s free variant in a lexeme is a parole word.本文证明了词位是由三个不同性质的层次组成的,纯语言的词就是词位的核心意义,词位中的义位是词位的条件变体,是言语的词的语言化;词位的自由变体或词位系统中义位的自由变体,则是言语的词。
6)hypogyny MCU下位

下位1.低下的地位;卑贱的地位。 2.坐次低的席位。