
1.He has won a reputation as[ a ]pluperfect bureaucrat&b{New York Times)他赢得了超级官僚的名声纽约时报})
2.That's the Village Voice and New York Times.《乡村之声》和《纽约时报》。
3.Initial Consonant Cluster:an explanation on Different Consonant of Phonogram Characters;复辅音声母:形声字与声符“异纽”现象的一种解释
4." Catch me going to New York!" exclaimed Roger.罗杰大声叫道:“我决不去纽约
5.quick, easy laughs and knee - jerk responses&b{New York)急速的轻松的笑声和自动的反应(纽约)
6.or the Village Voice.或者……《纽约时报》不错,或者《乡村之声》。
7.That's the Village Voice and New York Times. OK.《乡村之声》和《纽约时报》。好的。
8.Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.让自由之声响彻纽约州的崇山峻岭!
9.Newt imitated a police siren softly.纽特轻轻地模仿了一声警笛鸣叫。
10."Catch me going to New York!" exclaimed Roger.罗杰大声叫道:“我决不去纽约!”
11.Newcastle are expected to make a statement later today.今天晚些时候纽卡将发表一个声明。
12.Time magazine called it" The ping heard round the world.正如纽约时代杂志所说,乒乓球的声音回荡全球!
13.You could look in either the... New York Times is good, or the Village Voice.你可以看看,或者……《纽约时报》不错,或者《乡村之声》。
14.Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New Youk.让自由的回声响彻纽约州的崇山峻岭吧!
15.Pratt's attorney claimed nypd was following his client.普拉特的律师声称纽约警察在跟踪他的客户
16.Study on a System of Tilted-pitch Tread Pattern Noise Emulation and Optimization;斜纽节距轮胎花纹噪声仿真及优化系统的研究
17.Huang Kan s Ancient Phonology: 19 Consonants and 28 Rhymes in the Ancient Times;黄侃的古音学:古本声十九纽和古本韵二十八部
18.On the classroom teaching skills of Johann Amos Comenius and a vocal music teaching group;夸美纽斯的班级教学技术与声乐教学小组课

sheng niu si deng声纽四等
1.A comparative studyof sheng niu si deng and the classification of 36 letters in SPE feature systemreveals that sheng niu si deng is a mature classification based on the featuredifferentiation theory.声纽四等是传统汉语等韵学对汉字字音在声母发音方法方面所作的一种概括,这种概括已蕴含了对现代音系理论中区别特征概念的运用。
3)initial consonant in ancient Chinese古声纽
4)phonogram characters and differ-consonant形声字与声符"异纽"
6)vincula of tendons腱纽;腱纽

声纽  汉语声母的别名,也称纽或音纽。最初指韵书每韵中的小韵,一个小韵称一纽。后来等韵兴起,把一个字音分析成声母、韵母两部分,于是声母也就沿用了声纽这一名称。