1.Comparison of the Vowels in Wangsan and Guangyun《王三》《广韵》小韵切语异同比较
2.We choose Wangsan(王三) as the main object of study and choose the word which has the Fanqie(反切) in Wangsan(王三) as the main materials of our study.我們選取《王三》為主要的研究對象,以文中所收帶反切注音的字為研究材料。

1.A Re-analysis of Fanqie Spelling in Wang Yi,Wang San and Guang Yun;也谈“王一”、“王三”和《广韵》之反切
2."For forty years he was ruling as king over Israel, seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years in Jerusalem."作王共四十年,在希伯仑作王七年,在耶路撒冷作王三十三年。
3.King III had three horses killed under him.回答:已有三匹马死在国王三世的手下.
4.David was king over Israel for forty years: for seven years he was king in Hebron and for thirty-three years in Jerusalem.大卫作以色列王四十年,在希伯仑作王七年,在耶路撒冷作王三十三年。
5.Wangyong, a Man Who was Unwilling to Seek Fame and Wealth;甘守澹泊的王雍——三槐王氏人物考之三
6."The king of Tirzah, one; all the kings together were thirty-one."一个是得撒王。共计三十一个王。
7.NIV] the king of Tirzah one thirty-one kings in all.[和合]一个是得撒王。共计三十一个王。
8.The oldest son of King Edward III went under the name of the black Prince.英王爱德华三世的长子被称为黑王子。
9.go two spades, three no trumps, etc叫二黑桃、 三无王等.
10.Also known as The Epiphany,三王节也被称作主显节,
11.The three poor peasant households here referred to were those of Wang Yu-kun, Wang Hsiao-chi and Wang Hsiao-pang in Nanwangchuang Village, Anping County, Hopei Province.这里指河北省安平县南王庄的三户贫农王玉坤、王小其、王小庞。
12.Three soldiers guarded the prince whenever he left the palace.不管王子何时离开王宫,都有三名士兵保护他。
13.At the farewell party the emperor showed great reluctance to leave and Fairy Mother Goddess toasted him again and again, singing extempore:分手时,穆王依依不舍,西王母再三劝饮,即席歌曰:
14.It was the scene of battles fought in 203 B.C. between Liu Pang, King of Han, and Hsiang Yu, King of Chu.公元前二○三年,汉王刘邦和楚王项羽曾相持于此。
15.The satellite of Uranus that is fourth in distance from the planet.天卫三距离天王星第四远的天王星卫星
16.The satellite of Uranus that is third in distance from the planet.天卫二距离天王星第三远的天王星卫星
17.And he pressed him: howbeit he would not go, but blessed him.押沙龙再三请王,王仍是不肯去,只为他祝福。
18.Then in the third year Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel.2到第三年,犹大王约沙法下去见以色列王。

1.Briefing Seventeen Different Sounds in Phonological Position Between Wang-san and Guang-yun;《王三》《广韵》异置小韵考
3)San Wang三王
1.But because the literature wanting and people s suspicion to the literature dependability handed down from ancient times, a great deal of scholars to the "Wu Di" and "San Wang" hold the suspicious attitude, especially the records of times of era "Wu.但由于文献阙如,人们对本来为数不多的传世文献又有种种疑虑,致使对“五帝”“三王”的事迹及其时代认识不清。
1.Kan Miu Bu Que Qie Yun by Wang Ren-xu,which has a postscript written by Song Lian,has been widely known as "Song Ba Eddition Wangyun","Complete Edition Wangyun"and"Wangsan".《广韵》是在《王三》等韵书的基础上增修而成的,不过,《广韵》对于其他韵书的反切有所舍弃和调整。
5)Wang Guosan王国三
1.Dr. Wang Guosan s Clinical Experience in Treating Sinus Bradycardia by Warming Yang;王国三运用助阳法治疗窦性心动过缓的经验
2.Wang Guosan's Experience of Herbal Prescription in Treating Thrombotic Phlebitis王国三治疗脱疽(血栓闭塞性静脉炎)用药特点
1.A New Chinese Cabbage F_1 Hybrid- Sanyuanxiawang ;早熟耐热大白菜新品种三园夏王的选育

王三昧【王三昧】 (术语)又名三昧王三昧。又曰三昧王。三昧中之最胜者。首楞严定之异名也。放光般若经一曰:“其三昧名三昧王,一切三昧,悉入其中。”智度论七释之曰:“云何名三昧王三昧?此三昧于诸三昧中最第一自在,能缘无量诸法,如诸人中王为第一。(中略)一切诸三昧,皆入其中,故名三昧王三昧。譬如阎浮提众川万流,皆入大海,亦如一切民人皆属国王。”又选择集下,以念佛为王三昧。坐禅用心记,以坐禅为王三昧。