1.In broad outline, sememe-induction of oracle-bone inscriptions is a foundation of Lexical semantics of oracle-bone inscriptions.甲骨刻辞义位归纳是对甲骨刻辞中的义位变体进行周遍考察,概括、归并和划分义位的全部过程,是甲骨词汇语义研究的初步工作,也是基础工作。
1.He has obvious inductivism tendency with which deduction is merged into induction, therefore it is only assistance to induction.严复有着明显的归纳主义倾向:将演绎消解于归纳,演绎之于归纳只有辅助的作用。

1.On the Changes of Inductive Function as Seen from the Up-and-down History of Classic Inductive Methodology;从经典归纳主义的兴衰历程看归纳法职能的演变
2.On Induction Issues and Hume s Psychology-Oriented Solution;归纳问题与休谟的心理主义解决路径
3.The Argumentation for the Legal Validity of Inductive Reasoning in Case-law;归纳法在判例主义法律推理中的有效性与论证
4.How Does Induction Fare While Facing the Post-modernist s Criticisms?;归纳法研究如何面对后现代主义者的批判
5.definition by transfinite inductio依超限归纳法的定义
6.An Analysis of Popper’s Falsificationism--Popper’s solutions to "the problem of demarcation" and "hume’s question";浅析波普尔的证伪主义——波普尔对“分界问题”与“归纳问题”的解决
7.To study and delineate the Theory of Blood is the object of this thesis.并归纳全书有关『』理论精义,作为结果。
8.“Induction Problem” and Its Significance in Scientific Epistemology;科学认识论中的“归纳问题”及其意义
9.The importance of predation as an exploitation strategy may be summarized under four main categories.捕食作用作为一种掠夺性的对策其重要意义可归纳为四个主要方面。
10.Summarize all the requirements and classify them with regard to importance.各种要求进行归纳,分出其主次程度.
11.Finally the chair reduced all the questions to one.最后主席把所有的问题归纳为一个。
12.The main characteristic of retreating from the reality can be reduced to one word - “reclusion”.“隐逸”的主要特点可以归纳为一个字:“隐”。
13.The main character of the hermit can be concluded in one word--hiding. The hermits in the Han Dynasty are referred to those who were far away or avoided from social reality.“隐逸”的主要特点可以归纳为一个“隐”字。
14.He arranged his speech under four main heads.他把发言内容归纳成四个主要方面。
15.Waveform Fusion and Background Normalization for Low Frequency Active Sonar;低频主动声纳波形融合与背景归一化
16.Liberation Kanaque socialiste卡纳克社会主义解放党
17.Vienna classical music维也纳古典主义音乐
18.national socialism国家社会主义(即纳粹主义)

1.He has obvious inductivism tendency with which deduction is merged into induction, therefore it is only assistance to induction.严复有着明显的归纳主义倾向:将演绎消解于归纳,演绎之于归纳只有辅助的作用。
3)inductive definition归纳定义
1.introducing the concept of n stage determinant through the inductive definition.对工程数学中行列式部分的教学内容及处理方式提出了一种改进思路 ,即通过行列式的归纳定义引出 n阶行列式的概念 ,由此证明行列式的性质 ,建立起行列式的理
4)induction of polysemy多义归纳法
5)generalized induction广义归纳法
6)general rules induction广义规则归纳
