
1.I want to be in the country, to be by the sea.我向往乡间,向往海滨。
2.Grain orientation tends to be parallel to the coast.颗粒的排列方向往往是平行于海岸。
3.he looked forward to the excitements of the day.他向往着刺激的一天。
4.The desire of the moth for the star,这是灯蛾对星光的向往
5.He steadfastly faced towards peace.他坚定地向往和平。
6.The goal was desirable.目标是值得向往的。
7.We all long for a time of tranquilization and prosperity.人人都向往太平盛世。
8.People dream of a better future人们向往更美好的未来。
9.The cityscape of Singapore that leaves a lasting impression令人向往的新加坡景色
10.Do you ever dream of adventures on the high seas?你向往去大海上探险吗?
11.Future developments will is viewed with interest.未来的情况令人向往.
12.mountain peaks of imposing height.高得令人向往的山峰。
13.he respected the dignity of the emissaries.她向往使者的最高职位。
14.She sighed for her lost youth.她向往她逝去的青春。
15.I always seem to get lost when I try to follow directions.我按人家指引的方向,往往都要迷路。
16.Parents usually favour their youngest child.父母往往向着最小的孩子。
17.there are often Government restrictions on sending money overseas.政府往往对向国外汇款有限制。
18.He has ever about the same time received a kind glance from her.她往往要向他投一个温柔的飞眼。

1.The method of elevating effect teaching in class adopting "multi-communication";采用“多向交往”提高课堂教学效果的探索
3)longing for morality向往道德
4)teaching expectation教学向往
1.Nowadays,there exist five kinds of expectation in vocational education,those are teaching expectation,cultural expectation,social expectation,patriotism expectation and mutual glorious expectation.目前我国职业教育主要有五方面的向往,即教学向往、文化向往、社会向往、爱国向往和共荣向往
5)cultural expectation文化向往
1.Nowadays,there exist five kinds of expectation in vocational education,those are teaching expectation,cultural expectation,social expectation,patriotism expectation and mutual glorious expectation.目前我国职业教育主要有五方面的向往,即教学向往、文化向往、社会向往、爱国向往和共荣向往
6)patriotism expectation爱国向往
1.Nowadays,there exist five kinds of expectation in vocational education,those are teaching expectation,cultural expectation,social expectation,patriotism expectation and mutual glorious expectation.目前我国职业教育主要有五方面的向往,即教学向往、文化向往、社会向往、爱国向往和共荣向往
