1.Comparative Research of Four Expositive Adverbs: "bijing" "daodi" "zhongjiu" "jiujing";评注性副词“毕竟”、“到底”、“终究”、“究竟”的对比研究

1.Comparative Research of Four Expositive Adverbs: "bijing" "daodi" "zhongjiu" "jiujing";评注性副词“毕竟”、“到底”、“终究”、“究竟”的对比研究
2.Why ever didn't you say so?你究竟为什么不那样讲?
3.It's going to crash! Why?要下坠了,究竟怎么啦?
4.What are the flowers for, Richard?究竟为什么送花 ,Richard?
5.What in the world do you mean?你的意思究竟是什么?
6.Now, what do you mean by it.你这究竟是什么意思呢?
7.What earthly purpose can it serve ?这究竟有什么用处呢?
8.What in nature does she mean?她究竟是什么意思?
9.We all want to know what actually happened.我们都想知道个究竟
10.What the deuce is that?那究竟是什么东西?
11.What on earth is the matter there ?那里究竟发生了什么事?
12.Where the devil am I?我究竟在什么地方?
13.Where have you gone to actually?你究竟到哪里去了?
14."Where the hell have you been?“你究竟到哪里去了?”
15.Whichever are you going to choose?你究竟要挑选哪一个?
16.Whichever John do you mean ?你究竟指哪一个约翰 ?
17.What Is Dry about Dry Cleaning?干洗究竟是怎么一回事?
18.What are her real objectives?日本的目的究竟何在?

3)the True Relationship究竟关系
1.Re-probing into the True Relationship between DAI Zhen and JIANG Yong;关于戴震与江永间之究竟关系,学界多从钱穆及其高足余英时之说。
4)went back of探查究竟
5)Dharmata chos nyid胜义、究竟

究竟【究竟】 (术语)梵字Uttara之译,事理之至极也。三藏法数六曰:“究竟犹至极之义。”