
1.Inflammation of the uvula.悬垂炎悬垂的发炎
2.Of, relating to, or associated with the uvula.悬垂的悬垂的,和悬垂有关的
3.On September 1735 (the 13th year Yongzheng ruling period), the emperor of Yongzheng passed away.正十三年(1735 年)九月,正皇帝驾崩。
4.Painting of the Yongzheng Emperor Viewing Blossoms and Enjoying his Leisure(Yongzheng Di Guanhua Xingle Tu)and the Mystery of the Yongzheng Emperor's Accession to the Throne《正帝观花行乐图》与正继位之谜
5.Boating was Emperor Yongzheng's favourite pastime.正皇帝最喜泛舟。
6.The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent.中国旗袍,容华丽。
7.Confucius said: "Yung could fulfill the role of 'facing south' (Being a ruler)."子曰:「也可使南面。」
8.YHOMBI Opango, Joachim若阿基姆·比-奥庞戈
9.Effect of uvula remaining for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty悬垂保留在悬垂腭咽成形术中的作用
10.SHAO Yong s Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man;邵的天人关系说——兼评王夫之对邵的批判
11.Objective To explore the effect of uvula remaining for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty(UPPP).目的 探讨悬垂保留在悬垂腭咽成形术 (UPPP)中的作用。
12.The Clinical Value of Preservation of Uvula in Uvulopalatopalatopharyngoplasty;悬垂腭咽成型术中悬垂保留与否的临床意义
13.On the Clarification of Some Problems of Shao Yong's Life and Academia为邵正名——关于几个邵生平与学术问题的澄清
14.Trina sank at his side very gracefully.屈丽娜容华贵的在他身边跪下。
15.2)improving molding method:the muscle of uvula was maitained,but the fat was removed;②改进成型方法:完整保留悬垂肌肉;
16.She was so beautiful and brilliant.她是那么美丽,那么容华贵。
17.Dresses, rich and magnificent, are always the choice of ladies.容华丽的服装,是女士们永远的选择。
18.Rich and magnificent dresses make middle-aged women more elegant.容华丽的服装,使中年女子更富情韵。

Dao Yong刁雍
1.The Ai Shan ditch is irrigation construction which Dao Yong lead the yellow river to the Ningxia plain,from the selected location of outfall to dam construction of the canal head.艾山渠是在刁主持下于今宁夏平原修建的引黄灌溉工程,无论是从渠口的选址还是渠首坝的建筑来看,艾山渠的引水技术都是相当合理与先进的。
1.Imperial Power Expansion and Decline of Taoism——On the Relationship between Yongzheng and Taoism;王权膨胀与道教衰落——正与道教关系论析
2.Several questions concerning the system of introductions of personnel at the Yongzheng court;正朝引见制度的若干问题
4)Shao Yong邵雍
1.On the Scientific Spirit of Shao Yong s Philosophy of Nature;邵自然哲学中的科学精神
2.The correspondence and coincidence of SHAO Yong s Prenatal Yi-ology with his era;邵先天之学对时代的契应
3.Shao Yong s View of Knowing and Doing and Its Difference with Er Cheng s;邵的知行观及其与二程的差异——兼论蒙培元先生关于理学知行问题的论述
5)Yong Lu《雍录》
1.Since Cheng Dachang of Song Dynasty confirmed that it was in the east of the Hall of Zi Chen in Yong Lu,succedent scholars fully accepted this viewpoint.然其所在,诸说多有抵牾,自宋代程大昌《录》确定其在紫宸殿东,后世学者大多沿用。
1.Overview on the Study of Shaoyong s Literature Thought from 20th Century;20世纪以来邵文学思想研究综述
2.Li-xue and Poetic Theory: The Research of ShaoYong s 《Ji-rang Ji》;诗学与理学:邵《击壤集》研究
3."Nei Shu" is a concept which appers in Huang Ji JingShi of ShaoYong s work.“内数”是北宋哲学家邵在代表作《皇极经世》中提出的概念。

雍雍1.鸟和鸣声。 2.声音和谐。 3.和洽貌;和乐貌。 4.犹雍容,从容大方。