
1.The forward part of a ship's prow.船分水处船的前部
2.moor fore and aft船)尾系泊尾系泊
3.mooring by the head and stern尾系泊船)尾系泊
4.make one's debut次出场,次露面
5.The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics.相是政界的要人物。
6.Put...in the first place把......放在
7.moor head and stern船)尾系泊尾系泊尾系泊
8.Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle,and you will be attacked by head and tail Both.击其则尾至,击其尾则至,击其中则尾俱至。
9.In the United Kingdom, the queen is head of state, and the prime minister is head of government.在英国,女王是国家元相是政府脑。
10.First of all, you are on the wrong street.先,你走错路了,
11.At first there is nothing but a dull roar in our ears and a dazzle in our eyes.先,耳鸣,眼花。
12.To strangle or decapitate(a fowl.勒死或斩(家禽)
13.First, always eat breakfast.先,坚持吃早餐。
14.The first reason is what I would call "the human factor".先是“人的因素”。
15."Some silks and jewelry.答:“有些饰布匹
16.Take our jewellery and money, but don't--"饶了命罢!饰,钱……
17.It first was shown in 1966.并于1966年播。
18.first-fit method次满足法 -软件

main culprit(chief culprit)首恶(首犯)
1.Pop Cultures and Prevailing Custom of Jewelry Design Presently;流行文化与当下饰设计风尚
2.Discussion on the brittle rupture problem of karat red gold jewelryK红金饰脆裂问题的探讨
6)bulbous bow球首
1.timization of geometric factors for molded lines of container ship bulbous bow;集装箱船球型线几何要素优化探讨
2.Adding bulbous bow!to the voluminous ships can lower resistance effectively.选取给定主船体的主尺度和球鼻特征一系列参数,自动生成一系列球型线。
3.The wave resistance of single hull ships with or without bulbous bows was calculated with the improved Noblesse s slender ship theory in conjunction with the technique of elementary-wave-steepness restriction theory.采用Noblesse新细长船理论,同时引入基元波波陡限制的兴波理论方法,对无球和有球的单体船,进行了兴波阻力数值计算。

首首 首   ①头部。《素问·生气通天论》:“因于湿,首如裹。”参头条。   ②最先,排列第一。参首甲条。