
1.She is whispering to him.她正对他私语。
2.Plagiarism is akin to theft.剽与偷性质相同。
3.To pick or try to pick the pocket of.扒对…扒或企图对…扒
4.intercept a message听 [侦听] 通讯
5.burglar's tools贼的(作案)工具
6.It's bad manners to whisper in company.当着别人私语是不礼貌的行为.
7.Don't you know it's rude to whisper?你难道不知道私语是不礼貌的吗?
8.The murmur swelled into a roar.私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗.
9.The nearby diners were staring at them and muttering.附近就餐的人盯着他们,私语起来。
10.The act of installing such a device.装设听器安装搭线听装置的行为
11.They conversed for some time in whispers.他们交谈了一段时间。
12.They sat there billing and cooing till after midnight.他们坐在那里私语直到后半夜。
13.the gang pulled off a bank job in St. Louis.这就叫偷而不能称之谓盗
14.If you steal, you are chargeable with theft.如果偷就可能被控偷罪.
15.A deterrent to theft.对贼的威慑物,吓唬贼的东西
16.One who commits burglary.贼,夜盗进行夜间盗行为的人
17.The murmur swelled into a roar .私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗。
18.New Problems of Wiretap Channel and Wiretap Channel of Type II;听信道及第二类听信道的新问题

3)engage in [have] a low-keyed continuous talk窃窃絮语
4)Prevention fr om electricity theft防窃
1.Random network coding against the eavesdropping adversaries一种防听的随机网络编码
2.This paper analyses of the submarine optical fible cable signals eavesdropping technology channels,discussed the waters of China′s submarine fiber optic cable for wiretap method,the United States nuclearpowered attack submarines" Jimmy·Carter,"the eavesdropping undersea fiber optic cable capacity.分析了对海底光缆中的光信号进行听的技术途径,讨论对我国海域海光缆进行听的方法,研究了美国核动力攻击潜艇"吉米。
6)electricity stealing窃电
1.The results indicated that the accuracy is 100%,which can be used as a powerful tool for finding electricity stealing.分析了国家标准中规定的配电变压器短路阻抗的要求,提出了利用变压器短路阻抗来测试变压器的实际容量,测试结果显示,判别变压器容量的准确率为100%,为供电部门查找电提供了有力工具。
2.This paper analyses the anti-electricity stealing management and technical measure and puts forward some suggestions in the line-loss management after"two renovations".分析了反电的管理和技术措施,并对“两改”后的线损管理提出建议。
3.Electric energy is the important energy for a country, electricity stealing may cause economic losses for the country and power supply enterprises, and it will endanger the safe operation of power system.电能是国家的重要能源,电不仅给国家及供电企业造成经济损失,同时也危及电力系统的安全运行,针对常见的电方式,探讨了反电的防范措

摽窃1.同"剽窃"。 2.抄袭﹑窃取他人的文章或成果。摽﹐通"剽"。