
1.Effects of China Vegetable Journals on the Demonstration of Science and Technology in Vegetable Industry;我国蔬菜类杂志对蔬菜产业科技推广的影响分析
2.Meat decays much easier than vegetables.肉类远较蔬菜易于腐烂。
3.culinary vegetables [plants](供烹饪用的) 蔬菜[植物]类
4.You should eat such vegetables as carrot, celery and spinach.你应该吃胡萝卜、芹菜和菠菜这类的蔬菜。
5.Application Study of Vegetable Resource of Brassica Campestris in Rapeseed Breeding;白菜类蔬菜种质资源在油菜育种中的应用研究
6.Tinao you have any vegetables in the fridge, like... broccoli?蒂娜:冰箱里有……类似绿花椰菜之类的蔬菜吗?
7.I think you'd better eat some vegetables, you know fiber can be found in fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans.我认为你最好吃些蔬菜。你知道吗,水果、蔬菜、果和豆类都含有纤维素。
8.Now they think that pork and meat is much better than vegetables and rice.现在他们认为肉类比蔬菜和大米好。
9.Man is an omnivorous animal.人是肉类与蔬菜均食用的动物。
10.Most stews contain meat and vegetables.炖的食物大多是肉类和蔬菜。
11.Meat,fish and vegetables are ofter packed in cans.肉类、鱼和蔬菜常装于罐内。
12.Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。
13.The advances of studies on isolated microspore culture in cole crops甘蓝类蔬菜游离小孢子培养研究进展
14.Rice, meat, vegetables and fruit constitute a balanced diet.米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。
15.Fiber can be found in fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans.水果,蔬菜,坚果和豆类都含纤维素。
16.Fibre is found in fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans.水果、蔬菜、坚果和豆类都含有纤维素。
17.Identification of Root-Knot Nematodes on Greenhouse s Vegetable in Shaanxi Province;陕西省温室蔬菜根结线虫的种类鉴定
18.Study on the Browning Inhibition Technology for Fresh-cut Root and Tuber Vegetables;鲜切根、茎类蔬菜褐变控制技术的研究

leaf vegetable叶类蔬菜
1.Nitrate and Nitrite Contents Research of the Leaf Vegetables in Storing Process;叶类蔬菜贮存过程中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量研究
2.Leaf vegetable is rich in vitamin,mineral and other nutritional materials and also the most important vegetable in our life.综述了硝酸盐在叶类蔬菜中的积累的现状,影响因素及降低蔬菜内硝酸盐含量的措施。
3)leafy vegetable叶类蔬菜
1.The cause of nitrate accumulation in leafy vegetables;叶类蔬菜的硝态氮累积及成因研究
2.It was concluded that leafy vegetables could be washed in such a washer.以叶类蔬菜为研究对象,以自来水为清洗介质,以气泵为气泡产生源,在自制的由透明玻璃和不锈钢板搭建的试验台上进行模拟试验。
4)leguminous vegetables豆类蔬菜
1.A method was developed for determination of fipronil residue in leguminous vegetables with solid-phase extraction(SPE) combined with gas chromatography.建立氟虫腈在豆类蔬菜中的残留气相色谱分析方法。
5)gourd vegetables瓜类蔬菜
1.This paper is the first part of the insect communities studies in the gourd vegetables carried out in the suburbs of Chongqing City China.本文是重庆市郊瓜类蔬菜昆虫群落研究结果的第一部分 ,主要报道瓜类昆虫群落 (包括蛛形纲和软体动物门中的一些有害生物及天敌 ,下同 )的组成和结构 。
6)Bud type vegetables芽类蔬菜

蔬菜类干燥设备选型蔬菜类干燥设备选型 设备名称常用物料 带式干燥机: 脱水蔬菜、颗粒饲料、味精、鸡精、椰蓉 强化气流干燥器: 活性面筋、柠檬酸钙、面团形的面包加料米糠 旋转快速干燥机: 大豆蛋白、胶凝淀粉、酒糟、小麦糖、小麦淀粉等 喷雾带式干燥器: 糖蜜、玉米糖浆、60%麦芽糖、100%麦芽汁、结晶乳糖、酸性干酪乳清、结晶葡萄糖、奶油、稀奶油、人造奶油、50%椰子油、咖啡用乳粉、发酵乳、高蛋白食品、苹果、水果汁、黄油、奶酪、冰淇淋、糕点填料、西红柿、酸味乳清、甜味乳清、加糖奶粉等 冷冻干燥器: 菠菜、元葱、香菇、豌豆、黄瓜、芦笋、青刀豆、胡萝卜、山野菜等、鱼、虾、海带、贝类、香蕉、苹果、草莓、菠萝、哈密瓜、牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉、牛肝、鸡肝、猪肝、葱、姜、蒜、香料等、咖啡、果珍、花粉、鳖粉、蜂王浆等 转鼓干燥机: 酵母、抗菌素、乳糖、淀粉浆、动物胶、α-淀粉、麦片、苯甲酸钠、乳清、全乳、脱脂乳、淀粉 惰性粒子干燥器: 豆沙馅 内热管流化床干燥器: 大豆制品、淀粉、淀粉衍生物