
1.auger method (for sampling pulp)(纸浆样)钴
2.And for ATM withdrawals,在自动款机上
3.Baggage claim area, please have claim checks ready行李领处 请凭票领
4.standard error of sampling样标准误 样标准误
5.To remove the entrails of; disembowel.出…的内脏,出…的肠子
6.extraction fractionation提分级(分离),萃分级
7.matching to sample method样匹配法样匹配法
8.centrifugal extractor离心提仪,离心萃
9.affinity extraction亲和提,亲和萃
10.foreclosure sale消赎权后的出售
11.The bank foreclosed .该银行已消赎权.
12.The drawing of a liquid, as from a cask or keg.汲液体,如从桶中
13.Take as many as yon please.你要多少就多少。
14.lift [suction] pump吸泵,吸抽机,提水泵
15.employee orientation production orientation员工向?生产
16.Win over all who can be won over.争一切可能争的人。
17.To take(money or property) unlawfully; steal.擅自拿,抢…东西非法得(金钱或财物);偷
18.Used in or obtained by extraction.提的用于提的,或通过提得到的

coring and sampling取心取样
3)selection and withdrawal选取提取
4)fetch-fetch forwarding取-取转送
5)To defraud or swindle.骗取;诈取
1.Recent studies on procyanidins extraction,separation and purification methods;原花青素提、分离纯化方法的研究进展
2.Study on ultrasonic-assisted extraction and physicochemical properties of red pigment in Zingiber mioga Rosc;超声波协助提茗荷红色素及其理化性质研究
3.Study on the extraction process of proanthcyanidins from sorghum grain;高粱原花青素提工艺研究

取【取】 (术语)取著所对之境界谓之取。爱之异名也。又为烦恼之总名。唯识论八曰:“取是著义。”大乘义章五本曰:“取执境界,说名为取。”胜鬘宝窟中末曰:“取者是其爱之别称,爱心取著,故名为取。”