
1.-Better her than me...-她总比我好...
2.homicide [ death ] by misadventure【律】过失害, 误
3.Homicide cover the crime of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.人包括谋罪,过失人和害婴儿。
4.azinphos methyl(螨剂) 保棉磷
5.Of or relating to homicide.人的,与人有关的
6.cruelty evidence by a capability to commit murder.凶的残酷证据。
7.spermicides with microbicidal effects具有菌作用的精剂
8.A man who kills his wife.妻者死妻子的男人
9.If you kill one flea in March you kill a hundred.三月跳蚤,一少百。
10.When he spoke of murder, suicide, venereal disease, amputated limbs, and altered faces, it was with a faint air of persiflage. '他谈到人、自、花柳
11.These were professional killers who'did in'the president.刺总统的是职业手。
12.Natural Born Killers天生手/天生人狂
13.He was indicted for murder/on three counts of murder.他被控人[叁项谋罪].
14.The vicious killer was finally killed.狠毒的手最后被死。
15.murder in the first [ second, third ] degree谋[故、误]惊呼声)人啦!
16.The murderer killed himself with a gun.人犯用手枪自了。
17.I jewed him down to $30.我他的价到三十元。
18.Windows Kill Ver:窗口手 Ver:

Killing a little and Killing Carefully少杀慎杀
1.We should insist on the systom of "Killing a little and Killing Carefully",abo.“保留死刑、少”是我党长期坚持的死刑政策,体现了刑罚的改造功能价值,可以尽量避免错,保存活证据,使反腐斗争深入。
4)To kill; murder.杀死;谋杀
1.Research on sterilization of E.coli by pulsed light;脉冲强光对大肠杆菌的菌实验研究
2.Smell removal and sterilization processes of instant kelp;即食海带的脱腥与菌工艺
3.Experiment analysis of influence factors on the effects of high-voltage pulsed electric fields on the sterilization of milk;高压脉冲电场对牛乳菌效果影响因素的试验分析

杀【杀】  杀即损伤物命也。谓一切有情,皆惜身命。尼若不能悯彼,反更伤残,是故为众所弃也。