
1.and ... and when the baby comes,而……而婴儿出生以后,
2.A Comparative Study among "Erqie"、"Bingqie" and "Kuangqie" from the Semantics、Syntax and Pragmatics Point of View“而”、“并”、“况”的语义、语法、语用分析
3.I am tired and have a headache.我累了,而头痛。
4.not merely A but also B不仅ab>而b>
5.not merely A But also B; not only A But also B不仅ab>而b>b
6.moreover, I am dying."况我快断气了。”
7.and is also publicized by people such as Bono,而被宣扬,像Bono,
8.And what's more, she's getting better, too.并正在康复呐。”
9.Effectiveness is a habit; that is a complex of practices.⒆坑谐尚?恢窒肮
10.He's lazy and shiftless.他很懒,得过过。
11.With halting steps I paced the streets.我息地在街上踱着。
12.The pure The dreaming--share Thomas Hardy′s "The Well–Beloved";至纯至朴 幻——哈代《意中人》解读
13.The Origin of the Characters 且 and 祖 and Their Usage in Ancient Han Language;“”和“祖”的渊源暨“”在古汉语中的用法
14.Combination of Conjunctions "Not Only" and "But Also" and "But Also" Standing Alone;关系词“不但……而”的合用与“而”的单用
15.And they call it Soccer.而他们把它叫做“Soccer”。
16.and put the line down into the water.并把钓鱼线放入水中。
17.promise solemnly and formally.庄严地并正式地承诺。
18.He is old and rather frail.他年老而相当虚弱。

also irrigated also the excrement且溉且粪
3)To sob out something且泣且诉
4)carry on the fight while beating a retreat且战且退
1.Utilization and Potentiality of Agricultural Water Resources in Qiemo County末县农业水资源利用及其潜力分析
6)further more而且

《拉仁布与且门索》  土族民间叙事长诗。广泛流传于青海省土族地区。作品有多种异文。韵文体、韵散相间体和散文体同时在民间流传。故事梗概是:贫苦牧民拉仁布,与牧主的妹妹且门索,常在一起放牧,并产生了爱情。他们上山采摘柏枝、白花,在山顶祈祷上苍,保佑他们结成伉俪。且门索的哥嫂得知此事,爱富嫌贫,百般阻挠,并亲手刺死拉仁布。拉仁布火葬时,焚烧三天三夜,尸体仍完好无损,且门索闻讯赶到,悲痛欲绝,扑向烈火,殉情而死。且门索的哥哥分置骨灰于河两岸,两岸长出两棵长青树,茂盛的枝叶在河上相交,且门索的哥哥又放火焚树,浓烟中飞出一对鸳鸯,啄瞎了哥哥的眼睛,而后比翼齐飞,在牧场上歌唱。    散文体的故事情节更为曲折复杂。它集中地反映了土族青年男女反抗封建婚姻制度,争取自由幸福生活的强烈愿望。叙事长诗在土族群众中已家喻户晓。长诗深沉悲壮,曲调优美,哀婉动人。通过反复咏唱和巧妙的比喻,刻画了男女主人公丰富复杂的内心世界,为土族民间文学中不可多得的佳作。