2)The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai《海上花列传》
1.Female Field of Vision Embedded in the Translating of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》英译本中女性视阈的体现
2.Translator’s Interpretation in Intra-lingual Translation——On Eileen Chang’s Chinese Version of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;论语内翻译中的译者阐释——兼评张爱玲《海上花列传》国语翻译

1.On the Blossom and Fall of Social Butterfly in Shanghai;论张爱玲对《海上花列传》的传承和超越
2.Female Field of Vision Embedded in the Translating of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》英译本中女性视阈的体现
3.Metropolitan Culture Characters in the Whorehouse World of Flowers in Shanghai;《海上花列传》青楼世界的都市文化特征
4."The Brothel"--From The Biography of Prostitutes in Shanghai to Crumbs of Ligumaloes theFirst Incense Burnt“妓女的宅子”——从《海上花列传》到《第一炉香》
5.The Effect of Social Flux to Narrative Depicting about Shanghai by Reading Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai从《海上花列传》看社会变迁对上海叙事的影响
6.The Gender Move and the Reconstruction of Shanghai Floating Space;性别移动与上海流动空间的建构——从《海上花列传》中的“马车”谈开去
7.Flowers in Shanghai accounts a story of prostitute and brothel visitors in brothels of Shanghai, and reflects metropolitan culture of Shanghai.《海上花列传》通过上海青楼中一群妓女和狎客的故事,折射出上海的都市文明。
8.Translator’s Interpretation in Intra-lingual Translation--On Eileen Chang’s Chinese Version of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;论语内翻译中的译者阐释——兼评张爱玲《海上花列传》国语翻译
9.From Separation to Fusion to Interproduction--Translation Strategies of The Singsong Girls of Shanghai;从分离到融合到互生——张爱玲、孔慧怡《海上花列传》翻译策略谈
10.The Narrative Charm of the Lili Garden in the A Flowery Legend on the Sea双重视野下的心灵投影——《海上花列传》一笠园叙事意蕴探析
11.Behind Persistence: Causes of Zhang Ailing’s Annotating in Mandarin Biographies of Shanghai Flowers张爱玲国语注译《海上花列传》的原因——从诗学角度考察
12.The Research of the Shanghai Yichulianhua Supermarket for the Exhibition and Layout of Products;上海易初莲花超市产品陈列布局研究
13.One traditional delight in the life of Shanghailanders is to go sightseeing at Longhua, feasting their eyes on the blossoming peach trees and shopping and bargaining at the temple fair.游龙华,赏桃花,赶庙会,是上海人的传统习俗。
14.Genetic Variation and Diversity of Gymncypris eckloni in the Upper Yellow River Inferred from Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene黄河上游花斑裸鲤Cyt b基因的序列变异和遗传多样性
15.This train is bound for Shanghai.这列火车是开往上海的。
16.Another Dream of Various Flowers on the Sea:Comment on the Lord of Shanghai by Hong Ying;海上繁花又是梦——试析虹影新作《上海王》
17.fertilization by transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of the same flower.花粉从一朵花的花粉囊传到同花的柱头上。
18.Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Shanghai Show Room上海欧宝建材贸易公司上海陈列室

The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai《海上花列传》
1.Female Field of Vision Embedded in the Translating of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》英译本中女性视阈的体现
2.Translator’s Interpretation in Intra-lingual Translation——On Eileen Chang’s Chinese Version of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;论语内翻译中的译者阐释——兼评张爱玲《海上花列传》国语翻译
3)Sing-song Girls of Shanghai《海上花列传》
1.Research Summary of Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》研究综述
2.Research on Female Space in Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》中的女性空间
4)Flowers in Shanghai《海上花列传》
1.Metropolitan Culture Characters in the Whorehouse World of Flowers in Shanghai;《海上花列传》青楼世界的都市文化特征
2.flowers in Shanghai revealed the cultural characteristics and historical features of the Shanghai concession at the end of 19th century through the description of the life of the prostitutes, a weak group.《海上花列传》通过描叙妓女这个卑微弱势群体的生活,展示了十九世纪末上海租界新旧并存、复合多声的殖民都市的文化特征和历史风貌。
5)Flowers in Shanghai海上花列传
1.The Narration of Scenes in Flowers in Shanghai;论《海上花列传》的场景化叙事
6)"rewrite the Flowers of Shanghai" series"重写海上花"系列
