
1.Draw upon past experience to...凭借过去的经验去做。。。
2.Ever borrow money of the prisoner?向这位囚犯借过钱么?
3.Didn't you borrow some records of mine?你没向我借过一些唱片吗?
4.He crossed the river by the aid of a tree.他借助于一棵树过了河。
5.The book is overdue. You'll have to renew it.书已过期,你得续借。
6.The book you borrowed is overdue.你借的书已经过期。
7.By your help I have made a way through the wall which was shutting me in: by the help of my God I have gone over a wall.我借着你冲入敌军,借着我的神跳过墙垣。
8.However, I resorted to sign language more than words.不过,我借助手势语的时候超过口语。
9.If the debits exceed the credits, the account has a debit balance; if the credits exceed the debits, the account has a credit balance.如果借项超过贷项,账户有借方余额,如果贷项超过借项,账户则有贷方余额。
10.In two weeks, but you can borrow books now.两星期后,不过现在你就能借书了。
11.He waylaid me with a request for a loan.他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱.
12.Can you lend me ten pounds, to tide me over this week?你能借给我十镑帮我度过这个星期吗?
13.Your plea of old age is only a pretence.您借口说您年纪老了,这不过是托辞。
14.Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure .声称缺少机会不过是敷衍失败的借口。
15.Users can borrow up to six books at one time from the library.读者每次借书最多不能超过六本。
16.I don' t lend money to people that I distrust.我不把钱借给我信不过的人。
17.Could you see your way to lending me 10 for a couple of days?你能不能借给我10英镑过两天还你?
18.Did he approach you about lending him some money?他向你提过借给他钱的事了吗?

transition of borrowing hull借壳过渡
3)borrowing process借贷过程
1.Considering a class of proportional reinsurance model with dividend process and borrowing process, we modify the cost function in order to extending it s application.考虑一类带有分红过程和借贷过程的比例再保险模型,为推广其应用,将其费用函数进行了推广,利用随机分析中的最佳控制理论,针对不同的参数得出了不同情形下的最佳控制策略及相应的最大回报函数。
2.On the basis of a proportional reinsurance model with dividend process, we introduce a borrowing process into the state process, making up a new one that includes two processes.在一类带分红过程比例再保险模型的基础上,把借贷过程这一因素考虑进去,构造了一新的包括分红过程和借贷过程的比例再保险模型。
4)the back issue external loan过刊外借
5)The Discussion of a Chinese Slang "Jieguo"说"借过"
