2)About the Meaning of "Heyi"(for What Cause)说"何意"是何意
3)geometric meaning几何意义
1.Some notes on application of geometric meaning of determination function to differential-integral;行列式函数几何意义应用于微积分的一点注记
2.Study on partial least squares algorithm and geometric meaning of structural equation models;结构方程模型的偏最小二乘算法及其几何意
3.The geometric meaning of complex numbers and its applications;复数几何意义的重要性及其应用

1.The Geomytry Meaning of Decomposition of Gauge Potential;SU(2)群规范势分解的几何意义
2.A Proof of The Lebesgue Integral Calculus Geometry Significance;Lebesgue积分几何意义的另一证法
3.On the Geometric Meaning of Higher Mathematics and its Application浅谈高等数学中的几何意义及其应用
4.The scalar is then called the eigenvalue associated with the eigenvector.参见矩阵的特征值与特征向量的几何意义
5.On the Geometrical Significance and Teaching of Basic Elementary Matrix;基本初等矩阵的几何意义及其在教学中的运用
6.Several Properties of Relation Power R~n of Finite Sets and Geometry Meaning;有限集上的二元关系幂的性质及几何意义
7.Geometric Meaning of the Formula Used in a Closed Connection Traverse for Computing Closing Error of Azimuth附合导线方位角闭合差计算公式的几何意义
8.By view point of planar affine coordinates, the geometric significance of weight coefficients in multiple objectives programming has been interpreted.本文用平面仿射坐标的观点 ,解释了目标规划中权系数的几何意义
9.On the Geometry Meaning of Space of Linear Equation with Multi head and Solution of Linear Equation Group;多元一次方程空间与一次方程组的解的几何意义
10.First, the distance transformation is performed. Then the initial path is obtained by computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix.在距离变换的基础上,先利用Hessian矩阵的几何意义找出中心线的大致形状作为初始路径;
11.Elementary Discussion About Instructional Meanings of Higher Geometry for Middle School Geometry Teaching;浅谈《高等几何》对中学几何教学的指导意义
12.Geometrical explain of transform ρ(X)=λX and real-life significance;变换ρ(X)=λX的几何解释及其现实意义
13.The Sigmificeance and Inquiry of Strengthening the Drawing Teaching in High Geometry;加强高等几何作图教学的意义与探索
14.Euclid s Elements Disseminate in China and Its Culture Significance;《几何原本》在中国的传播及其文化意义
15.Considerations on how to Comment on the Significance of Socialist Transformation;关于如何评价社会主义改造意义的几点思考
16.Geometric Study of the Upper Femur and Its Clinical Significance股骨上段髓腔几何形态的研究及临床意义
17.History of Sense and its Reduction;意义的历史及其回溯——胡塞尔《几何学的起源》解读
18.The Cultivation of Geometrical Visual Should Be Strengthened During Linearity Algebra Teaching;线性代数教学中加强几何直观教学的意义

About the Meaning of "Heyi"(for What Cause)说"何意"是何意
3)geometric meaning几何意义
1.Some notes on application of geometric meaning of determination function to differential-integral;行列式函数几何意义应用于微积分的一点注记
2.Study on partial least squares algorithm and geometric meaning of structural equation models;结构方程模型的偏最小二乘算法及其几何意
3.The geometric meaning of complex numbers and its applications;复数几何意义的重要性及其应用
4)geometric significance几何意义
1.Geometric significance of plane equation related two spherical surfaces;与两球面方程有关的平面方程的几何意
2.And its geometric significance is found.探讨了S B Stekin不等式与Becker-Stark不等式之间的关系,利用微分法、积分法和级数理论给出了S B Stekin不等式的几个新的证法,并阐述了S B Stekin不等式的几何意义。
3.This paper studies the relation between Stekin inequality and BeckerStark inequality,and gives proof of several different methods of Stekin inequality,and explains its geometric significance.说明了Stekin不等式与Becker-Stark不等式之间的关系,给出了Stekin不等式的几个新证明,并解释了Stekin不等式的几何意义。
5)geometrical significance几何意义
1.Based on the analysis of the geometrical significance of basic elementary matrixes,the authors put forward some suggestions of teaching of matrixes and transformations in Senior School New mathematics curriculum.基本初等矩阵(1)的几何意义是:关于某一"标准轴(面)"的镜像反射(对称)变换;基本初等矩阵(2)的几何意义是:在某一坐标轴方向的伸缩变换;基本初等矩阵(3)的几何意义是:在某一坐标轴方向的切变变换。
6)geometrical meaning几何意义
1.On inverse function integral and its geometrical meaning;反函数积分法和它的几何意
2.Complex number′s geometrical meaning and its application;复数的几何意义及其应用

何意1.为什么,何故。 2.岂料;不意。