软实力,soft power
1)soft power软实力
1.Building on soft power of civil-management hospital;论民营医院的软实力建设
2.Corporation soft power in competition;试论企业竞争中的软实力
3.Cultural soft power and"China English";文化软实力与“中国英语”的关系

1.Soft power,soft power of culture and soft power of sports culture--Soft power promotion in China caused by Beijing Olympic Games软实力 文化软实力 体育文化软实力——兼论北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升
2.Philosophic Thought of Soft Power;软实力的哲学思考——兼谈农村教育软实力
3.A Discussion on the Soft Power of China and the Path of Enhancing the Soft Power of China试论我国软实力优势及其提升软实力的路径
4.Neither American hard nor soft power is fading.美国的硬实力和软实力都没有变弱。
5.Soft power and hard power:a new analysis framework软实力与硬实力:一个新的分析框架
6.To Enhance the National Cultural Soft Power by Strengthening the Media增强传媒实力以提高国家文化软实力
8.Chinese enterprise "soft strength" s international competitiveness research;我国企业“软实力”的国际竞争力研究
9.Guided by Improving Soft Strength,Enhance Collegiate Cultural Power;以提升软实力为先导,提高大学文化力
10.The Soft Power:the Center Motivity of the Development of Adult Higher Education;软实力:成人高等教育发展的核心动力
11.Culture Strength Is a “Soft Strength” Not to Be Ignored;文化力是一种不可忽视的“软实力
12.Improve Cultural Construction to Enhance Hospital's Core Competitiveness提升文化软实力 增强核心竞争力
13.Cultural Soft Power:Another Power Changing the World文化软实力:改变世界的另一种力量
14.Soft Strength:The Source of the Driving Force for Universities Library's Development软实力——高校图书馆发展的动力之源
15.Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management用软实力驾驭硬实力——打造一流车间管理的实践
16.Promoting the Soft Power of University's Chemical Experimental Teaching Centre提升高校化学实验教学中心的软实力
17.Resoft Soft Power-Effective Control of the Chinese Culture软实力的再“软”——试论中国文化的有效控制
18.Soft Power of Culture and Soft Power of Mass Media--Thought of Chinese Mass Media after It s Reform and Opening-up;文化软实力与传媒软实力——对改革开放以来中国传媒发展的思考

soft strength软实力
1.The preliminary research of soft strength on the laboratories of universities and college;对高校实验室软实力的初步研究
2.Enlightenment of "Beijing Consensus" Enhance China s Soft Strength;略论“北京共识”对提升中国软实力的启迪
3.Promotion of soft strength of competitive sports of China after Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会后我国竞技体育软实力的提升
1.Exploration to Scientific Journal on Promoting Softpower of Enterprises;基于提升企业软实力的科技期刊发展探索
2.The Research on Deng Xiaoping s Softpower Thought;邓小平的软实力思想研究
3.Based on the review of literature concerned, this paper tries to construct and analyze the structural model of the enterprise s softpower to carve a way for the theoretical research of the enterprise s endogenous capability, as well as to provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for enterprises improving their competence and building to last.论文试图通过回顾和总结相关理论研究和实践经验,全面构建和解析企业软实力结构模型,为有关企业内生能力的理论研究开辟一条新路,同时也为企业不断提升竞争力、寻求永续发展提供理论依据和实践指导。
1.Strategic significance of strengthening China s cultural construction based on soft-power;从“软实力”看加强我国文化建设的战略意义
2.In the fight against Taiwan Independence,cultural soft-power has shown its great strength much more than before,which has manifested in functions such as the impetus of cultural education,the cohesion of language,the attraction of the media,the deterrence of technology,the appetency of national sentiments and the binding force of laws.在反"台独"斗争中,文化软实力愈发显示出其强大的力量。
3.Based on the review of literature concerned, this paper tries to construct and analyze the structural model of the enterprise s soft-power.基于文献回顾构建并解析了企业软实力结构模型。
5)Soft strength and hard strength硬实力与软实力
6)soft power of culture文化软实力
1.Soft power,soft power of culture and soft power of sports culture——Soft power promotion in China caused by Beijing Olympic Games软实力 文化软实力 体育文化软实力——兼论北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升
2.Boosting library development and advancing soft power of culture推进图书馆建设 提升文化软实力
3.The author believes that soft power of culture is the core of a country s soft power,the strength of mass media is the core part of soft power of culture.一国软实力的核心是文化软实力,文化软实力的核心部分是传媒实力。

软实力  软实力是相对于国内生产总值、城市基础设施等硬实力而言的,是指一个城市的文化、价值观念、社会制度等影响自身发展潜力和感召力的因素。“软实力”概念是1990年,美国哈佛大学教授约瑟夫·奈首先提出的概念。“软实力”作为国家综合国力的重要组成部分,特指一个国家依靠政治制度的吸引力、文化价值的感召力和国民形象的亲和力等释放出来的无形影响力。它深刻地影响了人们对国际关系的看法。“软实力”主要包括以下几种一是文化的吸引力和感染力。二是意识形态和政治价值观的吸引力。三是外交政策的道义和正当性。四是处理国家间关系时的亲和力。五是发展道路和制度模式的吸引力。六是对国际规范、国际标准和国际机制的导向、制定和控制能力。七是国际舆论对一国国际形象的赞赏和认可程度。“软实力”概念一经提出,便在世界范围内得到积极响应,世界各国纷纷研究并认真谋划提升自己的“软实力”。