黄侃,Huang Kan
1)Huang Kan黄侃
1.On Huang Kan s Achievement of Traditional Philology;略论黄侃的传统语言文字学成就
2.On Fan Wenlan s Inheritance form Huang Kan s Notes to Wenxindiaolong;论范文澜《文心雕龙注》对黄侃《文心雕龙札记》的承袭
3.On Huang Kan s Idea of Phonology Based on Ancient Rhyme Forms;从黄侃古韵表的变化中看黄侃古音思想

1.On Huang Kan s Idea of Phonology Based on Ancient Rhyme Forms;从黄侃古韵表的变化中看黄侃古音思想
2.Huang Kan s Inheritance and Evelopment to the Chinese Exegetics;黄侃对中国训诂学理论的传承与发展
3.Research on the "Yinxun" (“音训”)in the Manuscript of Eryayishu (《尔雅义疏》)Corrected by Huang Kan;黄侃手批《尔雅义疏》“音训”研究
4.A Discussion on Huang Kan s Annotation of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi";《黄侃手批说文解字》字词关系批语辨析
5.Six Pieces on Textual Research in Paronyms in Huang Kan’s Shoupi Erya Yishu黄侃《手批尔雅义疏》同族词疏考六则
6.The relation between Aunt Huang in Qichun and Aunt Bian in Yizheng Findings One about Huang Kan Diary蕲春黄氏与仪征卞氏的关系——《黄侃日记》研究之一
7.A Colourful Brush Describing the Hisrory--Reviews on Ye Xian en s new book"The Legend of HuangKan;一枝文笔点春秋——叶贤恩新著《黄侃传》评介
8.Huang Kan s Ancient Phonology: 19 Consonants and 28 Rhymes in the Ancient Times;黄侃的古音学:古本声十九纽和古本韵二十八部
9.On the Contribution of the Huang Kan School in Differentiating the Rhyme Groups of Guang Yun,as Seen from the 29 Rhyme Group Catalog of Old Chinese Outlined by Huang Yongzhen;从黄永镇的古韵29部表看黄侃派学者对《广韵》离析的贡献
10.Mr Huang Kan revealed several different implications of "chapters and sentences" in the Reading Notes of WEN XIN DIAO LONG.黄侃先生《文心雕龙札记》揭示了“章句”的几个不同涵义。
11.On Fan Wenlan s Inheritance form Huang Kan s Notes to Wenxindiaolong;论范文澜《文心雕龙注》对黄侃《文心雕龙札记》的承袭
12.An Examination of Huang Kan s View of Phonological "Interactive Variation" in His Theory of Chinese Classic Phonology --A Co-discussion on the "Conditions" for Ancient and Contemporary Phonological Variation;黄侃先生古本音说中的声韵“相挟而变”理论——兼论古今音变的“条件”
13.On the Controversy between Liu Shipei,Huang Kan and the School of Wen Xuan,Headed by Yao Yongpu as well as the School of Tongcheng;论刘师培、黄侃与姚永朴之《文选》派与桐城派的纷争
14.I am not very clear about some facts in his works Huang Kan Diary,such as the relation between Aunt Huang in Qichun and Aunt Bian in Yizheng.读《黄侃日记》者,对其中某些事实,不甚明了,如黄氏与卞氏的关系即其一。
15.or the sleeves with their small folds.或者侃侃那些有细小褶皱的衣袖吧。
16.Master Wang's few easy and fluent talks won cheers from all the people.王师傅侃侃而谈,博得了大家的喝彩。
17.And I got some patter with the capital gains tax, too.我也能侃侃而谈投资利得所得税。
18.It chatted with worms.它与蠕虫谈天侃地。

Huang Kan's Diary《黄侃日记》
3)Legend of Huang kan《黄侃传》
4)Huɑng Kɑn黄侃(1886~1935)
5)Huang Kan's ancient phonology黄侃古音学
6)Reading Huang Kan s Diaries读《黄侃日记》
