社会方言,social dialect
1)social dialect社会方言
1.As a result,the concepts of the region dialect,the social dialect and the literature dialect are confused in the practice of literature dialect translation and in research theory.文学方言只是文学语言中很小的一个部分,不大引人注目,致使地域方言、社会方言和文学方言这几个概念在文学方言的翻译实践和理论讨论中混淆不清。
2.Oral competence is one of the fundamental competences for preschool teachers, and social dialect has always been regarded as one of the chief factors that influences the teacher s linguistic standardization in the recent years.教师口语是幼儿教师的基本教学技能之一,社会方言是近年来影响幼儿教师语言规范、并且容易被忽视的主要因素之一。
3.The social dialects appearing in language materials of a case can always show the social properties of the offender.案件语言材料中出现的社会方言 ,常常能反映出作案人的社会特征。

1.On Social Dialect and Its Use for Case Language Identification;社会方言及其在案件言语识别中的应用
2.On the Social Dialect in the Speech of Preschool Teachers;社会方言在幼儿教师口语中的表现和成因分析
3.Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Sound Change in Tianjin Dialect;天津方言语音变化的社会语言学分析
4.Language variation among Social Groups:Dialects;社会群体中的语言变体:方言(英文)
5.Researches on Speech Activities of Bidialectal Area in South Hunan Province;湘南(郴州)双方言的社会语言学透视
6.The Sociolinguistical Investigation on the Differences of Yiyang Dialect between the New Variety and the Old Variety in Hunan Province;湖南益阳方言新老派差异的社会语言学调查
7.The Sociolinguistics Analysis of Teenage s Phonetics in Hengyang City Dialect;衡阳方言青少年语音的社会语言学研究
8.The Study of the Chinese Language Socialization of the Senior School Students of the Dong in Northern Area;侗族北部方言区高中生汉语言社会化问题研究
9.The Sociolinguistics Analysis of Teenager s Phonetics in Zunyi Dialect;遵义方言青少年语音的社会语言学分析
10.Ba-Shu Language Study and the Method Choice in the Perspective of Sociolinguistics;社会语言学视野下的巴蜀语言研究及方法选择
11.Sociolinguistic Analysis of Phonetic Variation of the Five Finals in Dalian Dialect;大连方言五项语音变化的社会语言学分析
12.To Apply the Sociolinguistic Theory so as to Deepen the Hakka Dialect Research;运用社会语言学理论,深化客家方言研究
13.The Perspective on Social Functions of Dialect from People's Language Attitudes--Based on the Investigation over University Students and Civil Servants of Yantai City从人们的语言态度透视方言的社会功能
14.The second matter concerns freedom of speech, assembly and association for the people.第二方面,是人民的言论、集会、结社自由。
15.The Origin and the Development of Northeastern China Dialect from the Sociocultural Viewpoint;从社会文化看东北方言的来源与发展
16.Language and gender:the new direction in Russian linguistics;语言与社会性别——俄语研究的新方向
17.Birth and language features of Wuhan dialect rap:a sociolinguistic study;从社会语言学角度看武汉方言说唱乐的诞生及其语言特点
18.Essential Features of Conversation Analysis会话分析:尊重语言事实的社会学研究方法

social dialectology社会方言学
3)Sociolinguistic Approach社会语言学方法
4)social dialectologist社会方言学家
5)social language社会语言
1.It includes several categories and has great influence on social language.媒体语言对社会语言生活的影响也相当大。
2.Theref ore, as tools of inquiry, social languages and cultural models can be widely used in our discourse analysis.论述了语言的功能、社会语言的特点以及文化模式的内涵。
6)social rumour社会流言
1.The openess, fieritiousness and broad coverage of the Internet has provided the environment for social rumours to spread quickly.互联网的开放性、虚拟性、广覆盖性为社会流言互联网传播提供了迅速繁衍的生存环境。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决