全浊声母,voiced initials
1)voiced initials全浊声母
1.In Min dialects, most of the voiced initials are aspirated while a handful of voiced initials unaspirated, regardless of the even tone or the oblique tones.闽语全浊声母清化后多数字不论平仄都不送气,少数字不论平仄都送气。

1.The Present Pronunciations of MC Voiced Initials in Xiang Group;古全浊声母在湘方言中的今读音情况
2.Identify the Character of Voiced Initial Consonants with the Use of Shaanxi Plain Dialect;如何利用关中方言分辨识全浊声母
3.The Dentals,Labials and the Voiced Initials of the Family of Xuan Ying s(玄应) Speech Sound;玄应音系中的舌音、唇音和全浊声母
4.Research on Initial Yu s Origin from Pronunciation of Voiced Obstruents Initias in Santangjietown Dialect;从三堂街话中古全浊声母字读音看喻母的来源
5.On the Diachronic Levels of the Pronunciations of the Ancient Voiced Initial Consonants in Min Dialects Nowadays;中古全浊声母字闽方言今读的历史层次
6.Present Pronunciation of Ancient Wholly Voiced Consonants in Huaihua Dialect of Chinese in Hunan;湖南怀化市汉语方言中古全浊声母今读类型
7.Modern pronunciation of ancient voiced consonants and natures of She dialect;从景宁畲话古全浊声母的今读看畲话的性质
8.The Effect of Language Contact on the Evolvement of Voiced Initials in ChenZhou Dialect语言接触对郴州方言古全浊声母演变的影响
9.Present-day Shantou pronunciation of characters with voicedinitials from mid ancient Chinese language;古浊声母上声、去声字汕头话今读考察
10.On the Problem of Voiced Sounds Turning into Voiceless Sounds in Yuan Sheng Yun Xue Da Cheng;论《元声韵学大成》浊声母清化问题
11.The Neogenesis of Voiced and Semi-voiced Onsets among Northern Dialects after the Yuan(元)-Ming(明)Period from a Phonological Perspective从音系的角度看官话方言在元明以后增生的浊声母和次浊声母
12.The Devoicing Styles and the Historiacal Strata of MC Voiced Initials in Shanxi Dialects and its Neighboring Dialects;山西及其周边方言浊声母清化类型及历史层次
13.Initial Devoicing in Xiang Dialect Observed from Aspirate or Unaspirate Unvoiced Distribution in MC Voiced Initial Entering Words;从全浊古入声字送气/不送气清音的分布看湘语的浊音清化
14.To pronounce(a normally voiced sound)without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless.使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音
15.Initial QUN(群): How and Why it Changed its Phonetic Properties?;从群母论浊声和摩擦——实验音韵学在汉语音韵学中的实验
16.On the Pronunciation Of 辫 And Manifestation Of Initials With Medieval Voiced Shangsheng in Central and Western Part of Jiangxi--Also A Discussion With Mr. Zhang Shuangqing And Mr. Wan Bo;“辫”的性质及中古全浊上声在江西中西部地区的表现——兼与张双庆、万波先生商榷
17.made the official announcement declaring Mother's Day as a national holiday,发表官方声明,让母亲节成为全国性的节日,
18.Seeing her son be home safely, the mother can't help in crying.看到儿子安全回到家里,母亲忍不住失声痛哭。

middle Chinese voiced initials古全浊声母
3)voiced sounds turning into voiceless sounds全浊声母清化
4)the ancient voiced initial consonants中古全浊声母字
1.There are three obvious diachronic levels in the pronunciations of the ancient voiced initial consonants in Min dialects nowadays: the unvoiced aspirated level, the unvoiced unaspirated level and the voiced level.中古全浊声母字闽方言今读有清化送气、清化不送气和保留浊音三个不同的历史层次。
5)Ancient all voiced sound initial consonant character古全浊声母字
6)voiceless and voiced consonant声母清浊

全浊  见清浊。