内流热环境,Inner flow thermal environment
1)Inner flow thermal environment内流热环境
2)indoors thermal environment内热环境

1.Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Middle School Classroom in Hot and Humid Climate District;湿热气候区典型中学教室室内热环境
2.Research on the Indoors Thermal Environment and Energy Conservation Design of Dining Construction in Universities;餐饮建筑室内热环境与节能设计研究
3.Study on the Thermal Environment of Air Condition Room in Winter;冬季空调房间室内热环境特性的研究
4.Building Materials and Indoor Thermal Environment of Vernacular Houses in South of Shaan Xi;陕南乡土民居建筑材料及室内热环境
5.Study on Indoor Thermal Environment of Living Area in Nursery School;幼儿园儿童活动单元室内热环境研究
6.Study on the Thermal Environment of Hotel Room in Summer in Lanzhou兰州夏季宾馆房间的室内热环境研究
7.Study on Relationship between Indoor Thermal Environment,Thermal Comfort and Productivity室内热环境、热舒适与工作效率关系的研究
8.The Study on Thermal Environment and Comfort for Desktop-based Task-ambient Air Conditioning;桌面工位空调系统室内热环境与热舒适性研究
9.Study on the Effect of Heat Storage on Indoor Thermal Environment in Residences with Concrete Components;混凝土建筑结构蓄热对室内热环境的影响研究
10.Measures of Improving the Indoor Thermo-environment in the Houses of Villages and Small Towns of Areas with Hot Summer and Cold Winter;夏热冬冷地区村镇住宅室内热环境的改善措施
11.Experimental study on the indoor thermal environment influence of windows thermal shield System窗户热屏系统对室内热环境影响的实验研究
12.PHOENICS Simulation of Indoor Thermal Environment on the Radiator Heating and Floor Radiation Heating散热器供暖和地板辐射供暖室内热环境PHOENICS模拟
13.Study on the Relation of Indoor Thermal Environment in Summer-Hot and Winter-cold Areas with Human Comfort and Thermal Health;夏热冬冷地区室内热环境与人体热舒适及热健康的关系研究
14.Transport of Droplets with Contaminant in Air-Conditioned Room and Thermal Calculation of Buildings;空调室内污染液滴的扩散及室内热环境的研究
15.Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment and Human Thermal Comfort in Natural Ventilation Building in Summer-Hot and Winter-cold Zone;夏热冬冷地区自然通风建筑室内热环境与人体热舒适的研究
16.Investigation on Medium-temperature Radiant Panels, Skirt-type Radiator、Plinth-type Radiator and Their Indoor Thermal Behaviors;热膜型中温辐射板及裙型、踢脚线型散热板室内热环境研究
17.Experimental Research on Thermal Environment and Thermal Comfort of the Chilled Panel in Heating Mode冷却顶板供热工况室内热环境及人体热舒适实验研究
18.Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment in Summer for Residential Buildings in the Cold Zone;寒冷地区居住建筑夏季室内热环境研究

indoors thermal environment内热环境
3)indoor thermal environment室内热环境
1.Measurement and analysis of indoor thermal environment in a university dormitory in Xi an;西安某高校学生公寓冬季室内热环境实测分析
2.The influences of outer protective structure of building in Chongqing district on indoor thermal environment;重庆地区建筑围护结构对室内热环境的影响
3.Effect of indoor thermal environment in glass-wall buildings;玻璃幕墙对建筑室内热环境的影响
4)Outer flow thermal environment外流热环境
5)Simulation of interior heat environment室内热环境模拟
6)indoor thermal environment of building建筑室内热环境

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。