细编穿刺,Fine weave pierced fabric
1)Fine weave pierced fabric细编穿刺

1.Damage of Fabrics in Fine Weave Pierced Fabric With Metal Carbide Components金属组元对细编穿刺工艺织物的损伤
3.Application of fine-needle aspitation cytology in cervical lymph nodes颈部淋巴结细针穿刺细胞学检查的临床应用
4.The united application of histology and cytology in transthoracic needle biopsy under CT guidance .CT引导肺穿刺组织学与印片细胞学的联合应用
5.To prick, pierce, or stitch with a small, slender, sharp-pointed implement.用针缝,剌用小的、细长的、尖锐的工具来刺、穿或缝
6.Comparative Study on the Value of MRI and Needle Biopsy of Sacroiliac Joints in Diagnosis of Sacroiliitis;骶髂关节炎的MRI与细针穿刺活检病理的对照
7.Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology via internal jugular vein超声引导下经颈内静脉淋巴结穿刺细胞学检查
8.Comparative Study on Bacterial Infection of Puncture Site in Deep Venous Catheterization at Different Positions不同部位深静脉置管穿刺口细菌感染比较
9.Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of sentinel lymph node in patients with breast tumor前哨淋巴结序列超声引导细针穿刺抽吸初探
10.Comparative analysis of lung puncture liquid-based cytology and histopathology肺穿刺液基细胞学与组织病理学对比分析
11.The Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis for Gynecologic Tumors针吸穿刺细胞学在妇科肿瘤诊断中的临床价值
12.An Analysis on Examination Results of Mammography, Color Ultrasonography and Needle Biopsy in 302 Cases with Breast Cancer302例乳腺癌钼靶、超声、穿刺细胞学检查结果分析
13.Fine needle aspiration cytology plus immunohistochemistry staining in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma穿刺细胞学结合免疫组化诊断甲状腺癌
14.To pierce with a sharp stake or point.刺穿,刺住用尖桩或尖物刺穿
15.Advanced Development of a New Type Endoscopic Ultrasonography Fine Needle and Diagnostic Value of Specimen of Fine-needle Aspiration in Pancreatic Cancer;新型超声内镜穿刺针的研制及超声内镜引导下细针穿刺活检物对胰腺癌诊断价值的研究
16.A paracentesis yielded fluid with the properties of an exudate: high protein content with many cells( mostly PMN's).用器械穿刺可抽出高蛋白,细胞数目多(要为中性粒细胞)渗出液。
17.Clinical Assessment of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Patients with Thyroid Nodule甲状腺细针穿刺细胞学检查对甲状腺结节的诊断价值
18.Cytokeratins-19 Expression in Biopsy Specimens from Thyroid Neoplasm Detected by Flow Cytometry流式细胞术检测甲状腺穿刺组织细胞角蛋白-19的表达

3D fine woven pierced felt structure细编穿刺毡
1.The ablation performances of carbon /carbon composites with 3D fine woven pierced felt structure and carbon fiber needled bulk felt structure were respectively tested on an arc heater,and the morphologies of specimens were observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).采用电弧驻点烧蚀实验方法,测试了分别以细编穿刺毡和针刺无纬布整体毡为增强体的2种C/C复合材料的烧蚀率,并用电子扫描显微镜观察了烧蚀表面形貌。
3)fine needle aspiration细针穿刺
1.Methods:The peripancreatic fluid from patients with severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) were obtained by ultrasound-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration(FNA),the PCR assay was used to detect bacteria and compared with convention culture.结果:收集17例SAP胰周渗液标本45份,其中17份来自细针穿刺(FNA),28份为术中标本。
2.Objective To investigate the improved method to obtain enough pathological sample of myogenic tumor by curved linear array Endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration.目的探讨经凸阵式超声胃镜引导细针穿刺(EUS-FNA)获取足量上消化道肌源性肿瘤病理标本的改进方法。
3.Purpose To investigate the expression of telomerase activity in tissues and corresponding fine needle aspiration(FNA) samples of thyroid neoplasms,and its clinical valuation.目的 探讨甲状腺肿瘤组织以及同组织细针穿刺标本中端粒酶活性的表达及其临床价值。
4)Fine-needle aspiration细针穿刺
1.Fine-needle aspiration with peritoneal lavage in diagnosis of acute abdomen;细针穿刺腹腔灌洗在急腹症诊断中的应用
2.Analysis of 1 933 cases of fine-needle aspiration cytology of thyroid tumor;甲状腺肿块细针穿刺1933例分析
3.Telomerase activity in pancriatic cancer from ultrasound B guided fine-needle aspiration;B超引导下细针穿刺吸收胰腺癌细胞端粒酶活性检测的研究
5)cell poking细胞穿刺
1.Influences of osmosis on mechanical response of cell poking;渗透对细胞穿刺力学响应的影响
6)piercing cellular plasma membrane穿刺细胞膜
